Sunday, June 13, 2010


oh my god duuuude it was da illest
alright so its halloween and im chillen with my mother and we go for a ride on her vespa. we go to this place where we're gonna get summ halloween goodies for the chilluns but when we arrived at sed location there had been a MURDER! and each one of my biffles was picking up napkins and they were all bumble bees. I began to assist them and my mother totes my goats ditched me and took the vespa. Then all my friends left, so I walked home and matthew was walking with me too so we were talking. i accidently took the long way but when i got home there was a party going on at my house and agnetta and cuuvvyy were there then celine and cody showed up but they were in the living room. then harry and zane showed up with agnetta and cody brought a bunch of little kids from preschool.
Then we were having a huge party and my mom was in her room with a migrane and my dad was helping her. Our doorbell rang (yes we have one LAWLLZ) and it some craycray weird looking people. their eyes were too close together and some of them were very fat. they asked if they could egg us and harry yelled YESS. So the weird looking men began wandering through my house (CELINE SAYS HI) which had suddenly become HUGE. they decided to leave without egging us.
Next I went outside to get a blanket because it was time for everyone to go to sleep. After I brought back the blankets I realized there was no room for me. So I went for a walk.
On my walk I went to the YMCA and I saw Kathy Griffin. She was blonde and recognized me. We then became best friends and she got me a beauty basket.
Kathy was teaching a Jezzercise class but I was unable to participate because then i was walking home with my basket. I was really excited to look through my basket of goodies. (SO MY GOODIES IN THIS DREAM WOW) But unfortunately this is when Cody rudely interrupted and woke me up.
iCarly is on.

Gossip Gurl

Monday, June 7, 2010

This One Time...

One time at this rave there was this guy and he was tripping on acid and when you're tripping on acid they call it "rolling" but he was also rolling on the field and he said "Look guys! I'm rollin!!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Far This Summer I've Seen Two Of My Teachers

The other day I went to Starbucks with Cody. We ordered Vanilla Bean Frappacinos (aka the food of LIFEEE <3) but they horrible horrible horrible horrible people at Starbucks had run out of Vanilla Bean powder!!!
It was disasterous.
Fortunately, the lady who worked there felt bad and gave us each free drink cards. Cody got a refund and I got a Double Chocolate Frappacino. It was just as good.
Also recently, I graduated Jr. High School. Ehhh, I can't wait for high school! :D Ned's Declassified makes so much more sense now...
Also, Celine is in Israel where she can't take her phone and doesnt have her computer.
I just saw a commercial for Pocket Plates. ohmigaaaad. The carrots were whining to the pizza about how the applesauce was touching them. Woww.... I want my fod will stop whining! I NEED THAT!!!
This summer I'm working as a CIT at the YMCA. I love it a lot :]]
We go on lots of fieldtrips and I get to do a lot of dishes :P
Today was especially special. First, the children made playdo and made animals out of it. Then I was given the wonderful privelege of washing the bowls they used. I know what you're thinking: How could I be so lucky?
hmmm... I just don't know.
Then I had lunch and went with my group to watch them go swimming. As I was sitting thee outside the pool alone, I heard Katy's walkie talkie say "Please send all CIT's to the kitchen."
Katy wasn't there but I went to the kitchen.
Janine was there baking the animals the kids had made.
She didn't want to use the over because she didn't want to ruin it. Instead, Janine used the microwave to do each one at a time. I was the only CIT that showed up so she showed me how to bake the animals.
I did about three animals before I burnt one.
It was incredibly boring though. I was texting and usually I'm not allowed to text at camp.
Janine walked in on me texting while waiting for the microwave. She said, "Hi Sarah. I know this is boring. It's ok you can text. That's fine. Hows it going?"
Then she told me she was gonna get me a slurpee. Or maybe that was earlier... idk
Then Janine left and Megan came in. We were talking about how I was only going to Y camp for one more week and I should come back later and they're all going to miss me.
Then we noticed smoke coming out of the microwave
We opened the microwave.
A big cloud of brown smoke came billowing out of the machine.
We pulled the clay animal out of the microwave and there was a big black spot in the middle. A hole had burned through the top and smoke was coming out of it. We poured water onto it and took it outside but it just didn't stop.
Janine came in and two preschool teachers came. eventually, it was ok
And we made popcorn to get rid of the smell.
It was all ok.

Gossip Girl

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Major Crisis In Santa Barbara: Annie And I Almost Missed American Idol

dont worry.
were actually watching it right now
at annies house
because my parents are on their way home from LA
and there was a fire
so im at annies
and adam is amazing
(we love adammmm <3 he looks like elvis haha imagine if he didnt win :O)

a few days ago i got in trouble in PE a few times. I dont think Mr K likes me very much
1) so i loose my voice a lot and one weekend cody and i didnt sleep much lol and i cudnt tlk for the next two days. some of my teachers felt bad for me.
mr kauffmann howeer didnt care much. but the other day he sed "sarah, remember when you had laryngitis"
"i didnt have laryngitis. i lost my voice."
"well i heard you were faking it!"
:O "noo!"
"well i did everything in PE"

2) we were supposed to do stomach ups that day. i was a little too busy being social to pay attention. and by the time i noticed everyone was done, it was too late. ok, that time i deserved it.

3) my friends were saying spanish words and i was repeating them so i could learn espanol. (si sarah es amazingo) mr k "hey i know what that word means! five pushups! i wasnt watching do em again! those werent low enuf!'
i ended up doing fifteen pushups with everyone watching because they already did stomach ups.

whatevr :P
now i have to go
hasta la bibis mi amigas
mi favoritas colors sun armarilla y verde
te amo

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Have A Confession; I Am A Mermaid

background: my best friend celine. her mom is in a band and they ahd this gig this weekend at lake naciamento. one of the band members (drums i think...) has a house up there. celine and her mom got invited and celine got to bring a friend. in case you havent already guessed it was me. surprise! :D we drove over to her other band member (john) 's house saturday mornin and rode in his truck for three hours north (i think) untill we got to lake naciamento. road trips are funn <3>


tina (her mom, singer)

robi and scotti <<<>
(scotti is robi's wife)

mr mckenzie/bass player/not keith/i think its doug

his son ben, who i knew from elementry school forever ago

mrs mckenzie/ sharonn


those are all the ppl who stayed in the house i thinkk

Discussion Topics While RoadTripping:

1.Celine: A sheep a sheep! wait no its a horse...

John: thats a cow.

2. Food on the pier. celine: ALL THE HAD WAS FISH! :(and everything smelled like fish!!! thats the whole pier? wheres the candy store? :O

can we just take a row boat to the lake from the ocean?

were going inland...


3. What would you do if you saw a sheep and a cow fighting over a turkey?

I think we all decided we would take a cell phone video and put it on youtube.

4. Celine: Woah that horse has two heads!!! :O

no wait, its two horses :(

tina: thats my girl. so smart.

5. Whats the point of rearview mirrors in vans? All ours did was tell us that we were going north and it was 94 degrees outside.

6. *listening to foreign music*

Celine (joking): This is my jam, myspace song right ehre.

Tina: is it?... i kno youre teasing me.

Celine: mom, half the things i say are teasing you. You never even get it.

Tina: are they?

7. Is scotti british? cause it sounds like a british name... i can just imagine her running down a hill yelling "oh im so sorry!"

8. Moms should not say dude. It makes them sound tacky.

9. *Celine and Tina getting frustrated because we cant figure out how to get in the gate*

Celine (after she yelled... joking): Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol. Blame it on the a a a a --

Sarah: STEAK@!!

(lol, i guess thats an inside jokeee <3)

10. One time in Latin Class, we were going over vocab words and Mr O'donnell said, "Ventem means..." and pointed to his stomach. Then Ryan yelled, "FAT!"

it was funny because ventem means stomachh. ;)

Then we arrived at Lake Naciemento. Celine and I went swimming and Robi showed us that Scotti had six drawers filled with bathing suits.

Celine and I lied in the sun for a little bit and Tina came out and yelled "Sarah do u have sunscreen on your back?!"

i said yes and she came out and put sunscreen on my back. lol, well... its not burned :)

Then all the parents went out to their gig and barbeque. Celine and I watched White Chicks with Ben. It was really funny :)

At one point we put out computers on the ground but i have a PC and Celine has a Mac. I dont know how, but we got to tlking and decided they could make a MeeC or a Pac.

When everyone got back from the gig, we decided to play a game. Game closet: Dont make me laugh, Jenga, Simpsons Clue, scatergories. We chose scatergories. By "we", i mean Celine saw scatergories, grabbed it, and started screaming excitedly finding people to play.

While we were setting up the game, Robi was telling us about his animal heads on the wall. "Once a month I get up on a ladder and vacuum them. I think it makes them happy. They feel better."

We got together our scatergories game, made fun of the nerdy losers who didnt kno how to play tehe jk.

Scotti was trying to cheat and she was doing a very good job. lol, scotti is funny <3

So i didnt wanna play scatergories because... well, anyway. I just sat back and recorded answers people gave. haha.

ok, the first letter was "S"

(while writing answers: What does notorius mean? are you gonna tlk about every question? i hate this game; Im quitting. ugh. i cant think of a fruit! strawberries! shoot did i say that out loud?)

1. restaurant: sizlers. scotti just wrote sushi ("im sure theres a restaurant somewhere named sushi!") somethings fishy.

2. notorius people. socrates, tehe thats for katie <<

3. fruit. strawberries, squash. suckleberry ("ok, i kinda just made that up...")

4. things found in a medicine cabinet: some pills. syrup. sinemet.

5. toys. stick. swing. slinky. ("im a toy freak and i couldnt think of one! ah!" "that was my weapon sling shot." "i like the way you think.")

6. household chores. scraping tables. swabbing the poop deck ("if you live on a pirate ship. duh")

7. bodies of water. sea. salt water. ocean. ("i deserve that." "you dont have to play.")

8. authors. Celine: twilight author <3

9. halloween costumes. slutty vampire. ("its number one for girls under a certain age. slutty anything really." ) skeleton.

10. weapon. shanker (Ben: "i think its a shank Celine.")

11. things associated with exercise. bras. sweat. shank.

The next letter was "G"

(conversation during silent writing time: "This ones not as difficult. girls name. what about 'girl?' " "What are you talking about, this one is wayyy harder." "no one should write that. celines probably writing that." "gangsta bird? how did you knoooo?? :P ")

1. sports. gaga. golf. golfgolf.

2. song. girate. georgia. ghost of you.

3. parts of the body. gut. uhmm thats it ;)

4. ethnic food. giros. gnooki.

5. things you shout. go. gawwww. get out.

6. birdss. gangsta bird. great blue heron.

7. girls names. georgiabelle. gine. giselle.

8. ways to get from here to there. go walk. go use your effing feet. going.

9.things in a kitchen. gutting board.

10. villans and monsters. gargoyles. gross dudes. gladiola. giranum

12. things you replace. girlfriends. gasket.

the last letter is "T"

("Taco Bell here we come." "things in a medicine cabinet. really celine? really?" "Things that are round. Really Ben, really???" "oh gawd. my mom is singing. i should sing too 'BUY MY TOSTADAS! THEYRE NICE AND SWEET!...")

1. resturants. taco bell.

2. notorius people. tony bennet. the todd.

3. fruit. tangerines. tomato ("booo...")

4. things found in a medicine cabinet. tylenol. (Celine [laughing]: uhmm i said uhmm well uhmmm no nothing :) ")

5. toys. trucks. thomas the tank engine.

6. household chores. tidy up.

7. bodies of water. tahoe. tide pool.

8. authors... some old guy.

9. halloween. taco. trex.

10. weapons. tomy gun. tank.

11. things that are round. ("maybe like... nevermind ;)") tostada. toilet seat.

12. (i dont kno what the question was for this but these were the answers people gave. tehe:) tummy tuck. try harder. train.

Then we were deciding where people were sleeping. John: "im gonna sleep outside." Robi: "beware of mountain lions." Celine (reading twilight); "and vampires." Tina: "slutty vampires."

then celine and i wanted to play jenga but celine got reallyyyyyyy mad at me cvuz i kept knocking over the jenga tower. even when we went to put it back in the box. i was holding it and i dropped it. tehe <3

being bored discussion topics:

1. we should text her this *points to writing on phone* and shell probably think we are trying to say fun but forgot the "n" hahahaha :)

2. Whats mine is mine, whats yours is mine.

3. (celine got a drum thing and was trying to sing songs [we had had candy earlier] i was sitting quietly) Celine: "i cant sing when you talk its like buzz buzz buzzzz." Tina: "Celine, stop talking." John: "Sarahs encouraging her..." Tina: "theyve been friends since they were six." Celine: "actually we hated eachother when we were six. i should be a famous drummer. tralalallalaaaaa." Tina: "They would secretly play barbies. Celine was a closet child. Then they would rip their heads off. " Celine: "Bratz dolls head dont come off!" Robi: "Shoot em off!"

Celine's amazing songs at eleven (we had two bags of candy. we were a little hyper. tehee)(all caps are celine):

1. KEITHHHHHH IS BRUSHING HIS TEEEETHHHH! [doug was brushing his teeth and celine thought his name was keith ahahhahahahahahaha. nobody told her it wasnt. and she sang her kieth is brusin her teeth song over and over about fifty times] WHILE I SING THIS SONG, HE IS STANDING NEXT TO JOHNNNNNN! AND STANDING NEXT TO MY MOMMMM! WHO'S A LURK [Tina: ok girls... you can stop now...] IM BEING THREATENED! DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS VERY BADD! SO YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER HIT YOUR MOM OR DADDD!











(this is when she started to wonder if his name was even keith.)

3. John (holding up empty bag of life savers): "this is why..."



4. Ben: "there was this old guy at their gig who kept yelling for country music."

Celine: "lemme sumarize country music for you:




thats country for ya ^^^"



eventually we went to bed. the next morning, we went on the boat. then the jetski with celine and john. the sound a jetski makes on the water reminds me of the beginning of "move shake drop remix"... just saying ;)

after trying adn failing at wakeboarding we went back and started to watch hitch. we decided it was stupid. so we watched blue crush. that is almost the worst movie i have ever seen. i swear. horrible. gawddd

then we went swimming. and home. while packing celine and i were joking and she said: "hey sarah. guess what rhymes with hump!"

me:"hmm, bump, jump, lump, glump..."

Celine: "MORE HUMP!!"

ahhh celine i love youuu

Discussion while Road Tripping Home:

1. John: "look celine. more sheep!"

Celine: "shut up."

2. where to eat. paradise store. they were out of food. some drunk people came in yelling about how they were hot and they needed beer. i got pushed into a stack of candy. as we walked out we could hear them yell, "GET ER DONE!"


3. We are all going to need to go to therapy after this to recover.

I had a great time. :)