Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cydney's Party

There are no words to describe the events that occured tonight except for that word Ellen and Matthew made up but i forget what it is :(
ok, so Cydney had a bat mitzvah this morning and a party tonight. The only eighth graders there were me, Ellen, and Sarah K. but it was still super fun. ok, some highlights:
  1. Jordan and the weed stock. no description necessary
  2. "We can dance horribly because we are the only eighth graders and the coolest people here so we are cooler than them anyway."
  3. omg, austin drama drama, drama... his stupid reputation ugh. (just kidding, i <3>
  4. Dancing with Ally who is from Virginia. Everyone says she is a bad dancer but apparently she was a really good dancer back in Virginia. But i told her about my trip to new york and then everyone danced like her! we were all dancing like virginians (different than virgins) and we were amazing.
  5. Driving home with shayna in the car: mom: how do the boys dance with the girls like that and walk away? me: what they cant walk? mom: no. i mean like a hard one. (shayna was in the back seat laffing her ass off.) me: we dont need to talk about that right now mother!
  6. Driving home right when Shayna got out of the car: mom: So i have to ask. Don't the boys get boners? (silenceeeeee))) me: i wouldnt know mom. (:D i am smart like that) mom: bullshit.
  7. ok, this has nothing to do with the party but it happened on friday. jared was doing push ups (i know, *gasp* lol) and tried to clap behind his back. He got the clap, but then he forgot to catch himself and fell on the ground.but he didnt break his jaw or anything... it just hurt.
  8. my mother (i wudnt lie about this) came up to me (no joke) and asked (this is for real) "if im grinding with your father do i face him or turn around?" (i know. i freakded out too.) me: "you stand arms length away and talk." then twenty minutes later we look over and our parents have started a grinding train. i know. we ran outside and tried to recover ourselves with some sparkley glowing pink martini glasses filled with sparkling cider and 7-up.
  9. ok, at the beginning, i was hanging out in the bathroom (they were playing bad music jeez) with ellen and talya. i was trying to text cody about highlight #8 but i couldnt get a signal. i stood up on a bench and yelled "yes!" when i was finally able to send my message. then michaela and dane walked in and were like "uhhhh..."

that was my night. it was just about amazing. <3>


Gossip Girl

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