Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New York City <3

ok. i wrote this while on the airplane and at some parts i got bored and wrote "blah blah blah" just read the end... the rest is pretty useless to be honest.

(Don’t read the whole thing there’s highlights at the end)
Thursday: after saying my goodbyes to Hannah and Claire I went with my m other home and then to the airport. Got an airport smoothie, some chocolate, and some mentos. First plane… uneventful… los angelos… cute boy at airport… actually only boy my age id seen in a while. Easy trip to next airplane… watched gory action movie on plane while everyone else slept. Looked up and my mom wasn’t there but that was ok cuz then she came back from the bathroom :D got home late late late… went to bed at three in the morning new York time…
Friday: morning breakfast at murrays,,, egg bagel sandwich yummy yummy… my dad didn’t believe we were going the right direction but we ended up walking around the blo0cka few times till we found it. :D oh well,,, it was good…
Di a lil shopping with grammy and ma… American apparel= cuteness,,, and my grandma found some stuff too… lollz J
H&m= new favorite store. Love it! I got tons of new clothes and I wore them Friday night and I have pics elsewhereeeee…
Lunch at some Chinese restaurant= yummy!!! Delish…
Afterwards we all wanted to go the art meusuem (yes… wanted…) but my grandparents and my dad didn’t wanna walk or take the subway… they got a cab whil,e my mom and I walked to the subway station… so we had asked my uncle where to get off the subway for meseum and he told us 57th street… so we’re on the subway and we get to 54th street but decide to go one more stop to 57th… however, the next stop wasn’t 57th street… it had some other name… so then we decided to keep going to the next stop. Soon we realized we shudda gotten off but we decided to just stay and walk back… well the next stop was in queens. If you now new York, you know we cannot walk back to Manhattan from queens… theres a little something called water in the way… well then it was too late for the measeum so we went back on the subway to manhattan… but we went too far again and had too walk awhile before we got to our hotel… we survived tho…
Then we wlaked BACK to the subway to meet the museum ppl in Brooklyn… we got on the subway but quickly realized we were going the wrong direction.. we got off and went back the right way until we got to Brooklyn. Once in Brooklyn we went with my cousin and got our nails done. Then we went back to her house and had dinner with all the family.
At her house, her brother, my cusin, izzy, was playing fuseball with his friends and my dad. He was ttly kicking my dads ass. And one of his friends,,, I think it was his cuzin… sed “never play fuse against a boy who has a fuse table next to his bed.”
:D then the boyz went to a pool table and while… now im waiting to my dad to get back… cuz im in my hotel… cuz my cuzins counvinced us not to take the subway home but to get a driver… so we did… and now we are home… and waiting for my dad to get home from the Brooklyn pool hall J
Was planning on being awoken at ten oclock to get a nice breakfast with my parents in new York. But of course I slept till twelve. When I woke up I found a bagel and ate it. It was delicious… just so you know. :D
Then I had to get all dressed up and go out to lunch with the fam. It was fun and I had fun talking to my cousins and their cousins and such… it was funnyyyy. After lunch everyone went on an art gallery tour with my uncle but my mom and I decided to go shopping J we went to union square because I needed new shoes and a backpack… and I REALLY wanted a dress from new York so I could say I had a dress from new York. Plus, I needed to get cody a birthday present <3 cuz I missed her bday L but it was ok J
After we were shopping we went back to the hotel and got ready for the night time party.
I forgot my hair straightener L but I had a pretty dress (from cali tho) so it was ok
We got to the gallery for the party and there was an adorable slideshow playing with some cute pictures of may and me <3 we found Emily Julia may and her friends up there and I hung out with them. I started meeting may’s friends and there were A LOT of them…. New Yorker ppl… may goes to private school so she invited her whole grade. They were cool tho… I guess… naw they were different than California people.
I hung out with these girls suzanna and amalia. They were fun. Nobody was dancing tho because they all thought they were too cool :P new York kids think they are way too old J im young enough to have fun. But they were all talking about their boyfriends and other peoples boyfriends and kissing in the park <3
Eventually I got bored of this whole standing around talking while loud music is being played behind us. I went out to hang out with my cousins J their food wasn’t as awesome as our Chinese noodles, sushi, and pizza. I met a lot of people who are in my family but I never knew before but they are really cool <3
Then all of may’s friends went home and we left too.
Woke up early unfortunately, got to JFK. We went to our terminal and such… I had some burger king, my mom had coffee blah blah blah…
We got on our airplane eventually and watched our super educational and fun safety video. Some lady with stange eyebrows, huge abnormal lips, point ears, and high cheekbones showed up on the screen and explained to us that if theres a sign and we don’t do what it says we can be removed from the air plane. She wagged her finger in my face saying “there is nooooooooooooooooooooo smoking on this plane.” Well it dusnt sound as funny when I type it but next time you are on a delta flight just watch the funny safety video J or if you are not going on a delta flight soon then imagine that she sed it real funny-like :D
Now im watching my super ex girlfriend on my air plane on my way to los angelos.
All my friends are at the track meet right now L and im missing themmmmm <3 but I will be home soon.
Ok, I promised the important partssss
So at her party at night, I first hung out with may jane and bella. Then other ppl from her school started arriving so we went to see them. This one boy dander showed up and told jane that her shoes didn’t match her dress. Then jane told him that they didn’t have to match they just go well together. So jane got another boy who sided with her and dandre got another boy who agreed with him. Then they talked about until jane finally asked, where do u boyz get your fashion sense anyway? And dandre jokingly sed What Not To Wear… that really made me lol. If I ever heard a santa Barbara boy say that I wud probably be a little scared or not know what to do J
Also at her party… later when everyone was dancing… this girl amalia was telling suzana about some girl who was grinding with this boy and “like omg what a slut. I can believe her.” And then I sed “do new York ppl like… not do that?” and suzana sed “no!” that made me lol too <3
According to Emily all new York kids think they are too old to party or have fun so they just stand around. Im not gonna lie… its pretty lame… but new York has great shopping and if you ever go to Chelsea, go to the Mac store because it is WAY cool. J
Also. I learned about new York this past weekend. New York city has five burrows. Manhattan (where I stayed), Brooklyn (where my cousin lives), Queens (where I ended up on the subway one day) and the Bronx (where I didn’t go this year) are four of them. I cant name the fourth… oh shoot. Somebody should comment with the fifth burrow of New York or tell me if they go in any particular order :D
Ok, within each of these burrows, there are neighborhoods. I was staying in the neighborhood of Manhattan called Chelsea. My cousin lives in a neighborhood in Brooklyn but I don’t remember what its called. I wanna say pointslope but maybe that’s just because im thinking about algebra. Well I know it ends in slope .
Ok, last thing… I promise. At the party my relative/friend –I really don’t know- told me I look like the girl with the pearl earring and she took a picture of me. Idk exactly what the girl with the pearl earring looks like but I think it’s a painting… then at the airport my mom said that my hair has grown out in such a way that it looks like a popular eighties hairstyle most commonly worn by Jennifer aniston. I was quick to reply “the RACHEL!?” (Katie would be proud that I know what that is and that I was actually paying attention that one time we watched I love the eighties together all day). But yea, apparently I have”the Rachel” which Is cool… I guess… idk Katie wud like it but im pretty sure the rachel is over. Lol. Idk, I like it tho J
I have also decided –I kno I sed the last one was the last one but this time is for real cuz my shuttle is about to be here--- that today deserves an acronym. Aycbaqoo
Abs you could bounce a quarter off of
Xoxo Gossip Girl with the Rachel hairstyle

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