Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Me vs. you from comedy Central

it was this funny comedy song about how "me and you dont go together" it was metaphorical and really funny. here are sum examples:

me the SAT's, you a high school football player
me a angry rapper, you the english language
me starving wolverine, you baby covered in porkchops
me hillbilly, you my teeth
me mexican sprinting champion with cousin who has job oportunity for me, you border
me police, you campus police
me feather, you ticklish man sitting in rocking chair on edge of cliff.
me versus you...
then there was a fake commercial for this rat killing poison thing about religion, heres how it went:
"rats rats rats... youve tried trapping them, poisoning them. youve even tried bribing them. its time you tried the only rat poison that harnesses the power of religion. CREEDOCIDE. heres how it works
first unwrap your credocide decoy rat.
next, release the decoy into your wall.
the imposter rat will locate the rat nest, and disguise himself as a monotheistic supreme being.
he will share his teachings of love and charity by preaching a gospel in opposition to rat law.
he will then be executed and re-born.
causing rats everywhere to pray to him.
as the christian rat develps a following, simply insert a second decoy rat into a different part of your home.
it will find another group of rats and claim to have transcribed the literal word of God.
Eager to worship the one true rat god, the rats will submit to Shari'a, or the Way.
At this point, the christian rats will get wind of the near by group of rats who has not yet heard the word of their lord.
they will invite the Muslim rats to worship the rat Christ.
The muslim rats will reject their offer and the christian rats will attack in order to reclaim the holy land and convert the muslim rats. (chopping sword noises)
The muslim rats will respond with a series of geurilla attacks to weaken the christian rats' resolve.
This will unite an epic holy war in your walls that should last for about 72 hours or untill your home is 100% rat-free.
'My rodent problem is over and plus i can feel good knowing that my rats are dying for something they believe in.'
Creedocide. harness the power...of religion."

i find this commercial parady especially fitting for tonight because i just got back from hebrew school. our teacher asked us, how did jesus get his name. zoe (hilarious friend of mine) said:
"maybe one day his mother got really annoyed with him and said, 'Jesus christ!-hey, that would be a great nickname for you."
lol. and with that i say good night. <3

xoxo Gossip Girl.

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