Sunday, February 8, 2009

My trip to JCA

i already told my mother this so i have the nerve to blog about it.
background: i go to temple. every year they have a retreat to camp JCA Shalom, a jewish summer camp in Malibu. this year, the sixth and seventh graders went back in November and the fourth fifth eighth and ninth graders went this weekend. i was very sad at first that the sevies werent going to be there, but i knew i would hav celine and jade. everyone left friday afternoon and got back sunday afternoon. i had a play to do called Americana on friday night so i drove up early Saturday morning.

6 am Saturday
my mother wakes me up singing her wake up song. i dont wanna get up. i refuse. eventually i get out of bed and into the car with my ipod at 645. we go to starbucks. easy. we go to jack in the box. they take forever. apparently they turned off their oven. what do they think 24 hours means?! by 730 we were far on our way and quickly drove up a mountain.

830 i arrive at JCA under the impression that breakfast for eighth and ninth graders is served at 845. i quickly learned from the man at the office that fourth and fifth graders wake up at 8 and eat breakfast at 845 and eighth and ninth graders wake up at nine and eat breakfast at 945. well i went to my cabin with my ipod hoping to take a quick nap and surprise my cabinmates. they were already awake and our counselor rose was yelling at them for something. i soon learned that these were the names of my cabin mates. i hav grouped them by the cliques they were in on the first day:
sara w and celine, loners
sarah s and sierra, bffs who like boys
maegan and alyssa, bffs who are quiet
eilleen and ellen and emily and jade and reine, bffs that are loud and laf a lot
nina and rose, counselors (rose = strict, nina = funnnnn)

930 were out to breakfast and celine and i create our new little clique :P our counselors made a great effort to get us to mingle with the boys' cabins. sierra and sara and sarah didnt hav any problem with this bcuz they <3 boys. they were sitting next to us talking to a buncha guys about meeting up tonight. yea right, everyone talks about it, but no one actually does it... :P
10-ish breakfast is over and we find out we will be spending the day with one of the boys' cabins. we first go to morning services and then we learn about organic-ness and ecofriendli-ness. some groups (not me) made public service announcements and filmed them. the psa'a are on the camps website or should be soon and ill post them if i can. :D we then went to a "yurk" or sumthing like that and played some lame-o games.
12-ish lunch. cold cuts, ewww.
after lunch ropes course. it was fun at first and celine and i did this partner vine walk that was super coolio. then it started pouring rain and we hid under a roof thingy. :P after we (not me) played in the rain a little bit, we had to run back to our cabins. (the ropes course was right next to the boys' cabin, but on the other side of camp from ours D:) we ran back for some free time before we went to this big room to make pizza for dinner. we ate the pizza and then went over to the dining hall for havdalah services. after services with the fifth and fourth graders they had to go to bed. the counselors waited a little before they told us that we got to have a dance :D everyone went back to their cabins to get "spruced up". i put on my lakers colors williams college pj pants, hiking uggs, and celines shirt she wore to her bat mitzva party :P

late, we were at our dance/party thing having a great time. rose came over to jade and sarah and me and sed "not so much touching guys. we're at a jewish school retreat," to which we replied, "you should see us at bat mitzvahs!" :D

1020 we get back to our cabin and im super tired from waking up early that morning. everyone goes to the bathroom to brush their teeth and i was really fast and came back and got in bed quickly.

1040, other girls finally come back from the bathroom. rose is pissed off. i pretend to be asleep so i dont hav to hear her get pissed off.

11, our counselors go to their nightly meetings to talk about the events of the following day and celine quickly falls asleep. sarah and sierra and reine begin texting the guys we hung out with all day to arrange to meet up in the night. the guys wanna go to the baseball field, but we start to doubt the idea of leaving and tell them to just come to our cabin.

1130, sarah aka ashley from the other 8/9 grader girl cabin comes to our cabin. nobody thinks anything of it and we are all having a wonderful time unitll three people burst through our doors with flashlights screaming,
we quickly get back to our own beds and "ashley" hides in sarah's bunk. we ask the counselors who we've realized are rose (our counselor), hayden (the boys' counselor) and some other random girl, whats going on.
rose informs us that the boys were cought sneaking over to our cabin and they needed to make sure we were all still here.
then "ashley" asks to go to the bathroom and leaves. jade says she also has to go but rose tells her to wait untill the first girl gets back.
then another counselor comes running in yelline "THERES ONE GIRL MISSING FROM THE OTHER CABIN!"
we know its ashley and wait for all the counselors to leave. one theyre gone, everyone is talking about how guilty they feel for making the guys come.
then the counselors come back thinking ashley is in our cabin. they shine the light on everyones bed asking "is someone in here whos not supposed to be in here?" we say no because, honestly, shes not...
the counselors leave and i wake up celine to tell her what just happened.

12 sunday, we see ashley walking back from the bathroom and going into her cabin. jade finally gets to leave after we all teased her that ashleys never coming back. she really never did come back. she goes out to the bathroom again and we see counselors yelling at her. then she goes back to her cabin. a car comes to the place the counselors are standing not too close to our cabin cuz we're at the top of a hill. im not sure where but i some point in all of this rose came in and said this:
"i dont care what any boy tells you. Do not leave this cabin! they could be out in the mountains right now and that is dangerous. im so proud of you all that youre all here, but i was very scared."
that just made us feel super guilty cuz it was kinda our fault even if we didnt go.

1215, we find a way to make this all funny. eilleen laughs like a duck and its hilarious. we make so many jokes about it and are so loud, but i assume that the counselors didnt care about us lafffing just a little too loud. :P somehow sarah and sierra fall asleep in all the lafter.
1230, some ppl get annoyed and wanna go to bed.

1, everyone has stopped yelling shut up to ppl and giggling and i fall asleep.

2 (according to sara), rose and nina come back and dont even look at anyone.

830 we all wake up and rose tells us, "you are not taking showers this morning! yesterday it took you an hour. boys will not like you any less... youre going home today, take a shower at home."

930 breakfast. every boy who was caught has a different story to tell. one guy says the got all the way to the bridge, another says to the ball field. one boy told me he came all the way to the girls cabins and then went back for his friends.
Hayden told us they were caught at the dining hall. thats the furthest any boy has ever gotten before getting caught at Camp JCA Shalom.

after breakfast, boring crap. btw our new cabin cliques: everyone, bff's with plans to ang out in the future. <3

lunch, sad good byes. watch PSAs about eco kashrut... hilarious!!!! they were sooo amazing!!!!
after lunch, busride home :'(
get home: one of the boys caught sneaking out was the cantors son. we all got to watch him tell his dad. and then his """friend"""~~~~~~~~ ( <3 <3 <3 ) walks bye and says "bye david" to which the cantor replies "bye sara. i heard david got caught trying to sneak into your room." sara turned bright red.

later tonight i went to a fondue resturant with my fam and celine my dads birthday. celine wanted to play a game where each person says one word and you go back and forth and make a sentence. heres my favorite one:
me: celine
celine: likes
me: boys
celine: with
isabella (screaming) (interrupting us) :GOOD BEHAVIOR!!!!
(btw, this all actually ahppened. ik!)

xoxo Gossip Girl

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