Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ive been Waiting For This For So long

so call me a loser but ive been waiting untill today so i can write about all the bnai mitzvot in my class <3 today was jade's and it was the last one of our academy class. ok, here i go.

#1) Lacey. i wasnt invited but she had the same dj as me because she is in the picture with her friends on the scott topper flyer.
2) tanner. i wasnt invited but he had a good dj and i know this because celine had the came one.
3) this my first one. seb. not much. lunch. funnn. it was my first bat mitzvah in our class so i didnt get how fun they could be. but yea, seb
4) mackenzie. so at first i wasnt gonna go to this but then we became close friends like a week before. we went down to the beach and had a funnnn day party. it was really cool.
5)Jared. well jared's was the same day as my neices birthday party so celine and i showed up late.. a buncha ppl sed jareds was fun but honestly i didnt have a gr8 time tehe. sry jared. (btw, at the jew retreat ellen and i were joking about our husbands lol and she was like "did he go to jareds?" [like jareds galleria of jewelry for a ring and all] but i didnt get it at all and i sed "i dont think he was at jareds bar mitzvah.) :D
6)cade. cades was fun but i didnt kno all his friends back then. but i had fun and i think my mom went to that one. lol. im sure she had a great time...
7)Ben. well hes not my best friend so i wasnt really sure who his friends were. but i remember hanging out with mackenzie at that one.
8) michael. omg, he invited a buncha my friends so it was awesome! i had a great time.
9) Felds. well idk if theyre actually in our class but they made it into the temple bulletin. but i didnt go to theirs.
10)emily. i think she was the first nighttime party i went to but it was really funn and i made lotsa new friends.
11) justin. his was fun but im pretty sure i spent the whole time outside down by the outdoor chapel with mackenzie seb and jared. lol. but omg, now i remember! ok, so justin knew ted and kevin s from like boy scouts i think and justin had this dancers from the phillipenes and they taught teddy and kevin some dancing. it was really funnay!
12) cassidy/hannah r. well they were on the same day but i went to cassidy's. i remember that was the first time i sed sumthing during the service discussion! cuz there were a buncha ppl i knew there and i wanted them to all kno i was there. it was funn tho <3
13)hannah k. omg, hers was super fun! neon party at this cool place. i got a wax hand from that. it was really fun and koolio.
14)henry. i love henry. and he had a really fun party. it was the last one before the big summer break. he had a movie theme and it was really cool. like a hollywood sign (lollz insider <3 tehe) with his name. it was kooool.

...big summer break...very sad... but then it was fall...

15) zoe. zoe's was fun cuz it was outside cuz the temple wasnt ready yet and kelly was there. so it was kool. omg, at her party there was a bono impersonator and celine and i convinced sabrina (celines lil sis) and jackie (olivias lil sis) that it was really bono. and they went and asked for his autograph. it was really funnay. but they got really mad when he told them the truth. tehe :P
16) olivia. if u were there u understand why there are no words to describe olivias. she found out at the last minute she cudnt hav it at the temple because they were doing construction. so she had it at the bacara (btw, this was the day before my bday so i got a new dress, my blue one that i wear all the time for those of u that know, and i was all excited about wearing it.) so i went to the bacara. and i was on crutches. and uhmmm yea. i got a henna tattoo and all my friends were there and i uhmmmm... made new friends (still get made funn of for that, just so u kno... i think theyre getting over it tho)... yea, i made new friends. ok, thats all that happened. at the end we jumped on buble wrap which was oddly childishly funnnn. tehe <3
17)aryanna. (isnt it strange how theyre all next to eachother? o well, they probably planned that...) i didnt go to aryanas...
18) josh. josh's was super funnn and i hung out with celine and aryanna cuz i remember we all went to the bathroom at one point and then aryanna and i left celine in there tlking to herself. haha. that was funnnnnn...
19) vanessa. day after halloween. i wasnt up for a bat mitvah. but it was fun. she had this characturchurrrr (who knows how to spell those drawing things of people?) artist and he wasnt very good at her party.
20)Ellen. she was the first one in our havurah to go so we had a great time. her party was awesome. i made lots of new friends at her party. we had a great time.
21) celine!!! my bff. she ahd the same dj as tanner and he was really cool. i knew a lot of ppl at hers and i had a gr8 time.
22) ME!!! HOW COOL IS IT THAT MINE WAS ON 11/22/09 AND ITS NUMBER 22! well i think its kool... :P im pretty sure ive already blogged about mine :P
23)daniel. well i was late to daniels because i was at americana practice but then i went for the end and hannah was late too so it was ok. tehe.
24) jade. today. the end. i had a great time. and she is my best friend. and i met some of her friends. and it was really funnn. she had a beatles theme. and i got a cd at the end with beatles songs. yeshhhhhhhh.

thats the end. its over. omigawsh. i cant believe it but its true. now i just have my seventh grade friends who im hoping will invite me. i cant wait for jordan in a few weeks but i hav to learn my aliyah! ahhhh... wish me luck ,3

xox Gossip Girl

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