Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Day

life is pretty boring these days. That's why I'm pretty sure u wont care what I have to say. But, here it goes. Here's my usual schedule:

645 am awaken, view the bright shining sunshine and whine untill my mother forces me to go take a shower.

7-715 get an outfit. it takes forvr because i can never decide what to wear and i always say to myself,' today cud be really important and u dont want to risk it by wearing something bad" at the end of the day, i always realize that nobody notice commented or glanced at what i was wearing. in fact nobody glanced at me.

725 pretend to eat breakfast and stash the food when my moms not looking. im never hungry anymore and i hate forcing myself to eat. i hate food. =]

745 finish homework that i told my mother i finished last night. (oops!)
convince her it was n honest mistake.

755 Try to get out of the house but some1 always has to go to he bathroom. its nevr me cuz like i told u, i didnt eat.

815 Get to school. my mother attempts to connect with me on a deep intrapersonal level. doesnt she understand im a teenager. my dad stopped trying.
NOBODY understands me and my needs. wawawa.

820 i finally get out of that car. thank god, 2 much love in there 4 me. her comments as i leave the car:

1. I love you Sarah. (oh god, i try to escape)

2. (she cought me) Make good choices. (this is supposed to be a classic joke. idk where we got it from but i think we were channeling lindsay lohan and her mother, jamie lee curtis, in freaky friday.)(now its just getting old)

and her final comment before she leaves me, hannah's favorite cuz my mom ses it too loud:
3. Pull up your pants!

yes she ses it soooo loud. we had a leadership event and i was getting out of the car. hannah and izzy were sitting there and my mom ttly yelled, "PULL UP YOUR PANTS!" hannah cracked up and so did izzy.

821 Put up flag. try to findsome1 i knew so i wudnt b such a loner.
i always have this fear that 1 day ill nevr find some1 and some gangster will eat me. untill 2moro... hmmmmm.

830 Go to math yawn!!! ms brown attacks us with geometry and locks us i her dungeon untill 919 when the bell saves us from our mathematical death!

920 Get to latin. mr odonnell makes horrible latin joke.
(i.e. how did arnold shwarzenegger get to work? he took the senatoribus! haha. im so funny)
its crazy torture! i cud tell u what senatoribus means but it wud- well, i dont want to risk anything.

1012 go to history! thank god 4 history! it never changes . it never gets harder. u just learn what some people did and when they did it. its like a book. i <3 the revolution!

1105 get out of history. as awesome as it is, the last 5 minutes are horrible. the teacher always runs us to the bell. her clocks are set to a different time each day. ahhhh!
science. *yawn* sit rite in front of teacher next to my bff agnetta. science goes by really fast... thank god.

1158 LUNCH! im always hungry cuz i nevr eat breakfast. then i have some water and my hunger goes away.

1220(ish) leadership. goes by fast. i just stare at ian all day. =]

1247 english. fun, goes fast. easy. yumm!

230 the rest of the school gets to go home, but i get to go to PE yah! =[ i think mr. sprague hates me. whatevr. all that means is that i dont get 1 of those hot-ass bracelets. whatevr

320 torture is ovr!!!!! yah! get home! walk as fast as i can so i dont get eaten. pray until i get home and then want to take a nap.ahhhh...

BUT WAIT!!! when i get home. i get to write thank you notes and do allllllll my homework.=[

630-ish dinner(stash it) hehe pretend to eat. have some water and maybe a brocoli floret. dessert. mayb some mandms(wow, i jst realized how anorexic this post makes me sound. hmmmmmmmmm??????)

1000"bed" ya right. hehe. blog. lol

this is my life. i know that none of u care, but i write for me, so i dont die a mathematical, scientifical, latinal(?), ar PE-ical(?) death. whatevr. i survived today...



hehe g's

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