Friday, December 19, 2008

That's hot...

Last year: Hannah montana took the school by stormed with her coture scarf, her fabulous hair and her complete awesomeness. She radiated greatness and awesomeness and evry1 who saw her was mesmerized by her famousness.

yes, Last year i went as hannah montana for twin day. katie and i have different color hair so we wore hannah montana wigs. i was in the yearbook with that wig on 4 times. ok, maybe only 3.. but still it was cool. This year, katie and i knew we had 2 b even better. And, we wanted to wear something cute and not look like losers like last year. (lol loooooooosers) (insider) (1 <3 insiders)
katie suggested miniskirts and white shirts for this year. of course, as some of you may remember: 4 halloween this year i wore a pirate hat, a white shirt and a black miniskirt. I didnt want this to b my only costume; as cute as it was. if i wore that 4 twin day, it wud b like i wear the same otfit 4 evrything and just acerize it differently. o right, the outfit also includes these fabulous black srunched leather boots i got at payless that i wear as often as i can. =] so i love this outfit 4 2 reasons:
1) i love wearing skirts. its really fun. idk y, it just is.
2) ms thompson and ms brown tried 2 dresscode me (the rule is that ur shorts or skirt has to be longer than the tip of your middle finger) the slkirt looks really short cuz the boots have heels and make my legs look long. here's what happened on halloween
ms. thompson: "ummmm, miss... ur skirt might b a little too short. "
Me: "No no no! lok! look! look!" (i put my hands down and show her that my skirt is long enuf)
Ms. thompson (impressed): "you're perfect. "

Yes! those are the 2 reasons y i love that skirt and shoes and shirt outfit.

As u may know, the recent weather has not exactly been "summer-like" . i miss summer so much. i hate homework. anyway, it wasnt supposed 2 rain on friday, but it had been freezing evry other day so we decided to wear skinny jeans. which i also love. they ended up looking really good with my boots.

Katie and i went this year as...
PARIS HILTON!!! we were hot!!!

the rest of the school was ttly jealous of our awesomeness. i wore my hannah montana wig and kt just left her hair bcuz its looking really blonde rite now. we wore white tshirts that we had written "that's hot" on. this is like paris's catch phrase. i think she coined it but i dont know. she always se it and there's a whole line of clothing devoted to it. yes, they make whirts that say thats hot in big letters on them. (I also liked the shirt brittney spears and others had that sed, "obama is my home boy" i really want 1. gasp, hannukah is coming up. i wonder what i will get...*hinhint* lolol jkjk) we wore dark skinny jeans and leather boots. we also had BIG sunglasses from wet seal and hoops.
in first period, ms conway came in, who shares the room with my geometry teacher., and she sed "are u brittney" . i shook my head and sed "Paris"
"ohhh" she sed "i wonde which one wud b more upset if u thot they were the other. " lol, ms conway is funny. jordan ses she is always telling the class about her dates and jordan told her "ms. conway, if u get married. dont change ur name. cuz we're not good with names. " lol jor's funnay.

so, paris hilton was awesome and got tons! of compliments. it was fun. i found out who my true friends were cuz the recognized me without seeing my hair or my eyes (very well). these r the ones who knew immediatley:
katie( of course)
and some others. i was a little surprised.
it was really fun and a buncha peepl told me i looked goo as a blonde and this one guy (not gonna say his name) sed "wow sarah. u look really good blonde"
Ahhhhh! he thot i looked good. it ttly like made my day. kinda. and some other stuff. like evry1 loving the buckeyes my mother prepared. at the end of the day, i had 2 go to p.e. and take evry thing off. i cudnt wear my wig.. boohoo. after school when i changed back into my clothes, i didnt want to put the wig back on, so i just had my fierce heeled boots, my awesome shirt, my awesome sunglasses, and my awesome earrings. i got 2 take pictures for the yearbook and ill put some on facebook l8r.

xoxo Paris

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