Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanks for voting in my poll guys. =]

She chose Brittney! thank god! vanessa would just stalk and and try to marry her. paris is so smart. i <3 brittney. she's awesome.

speaking of brittney, who saw her documentary.
Britney Spears:
for the record.

did it talk about kevin? did it talk about her mom? did it talk about jaimie lynne? did it talk about her dad? did it talk about drugs? alcohol? bipolarness?

no no no yes no no no.

well, it was kinda funny.

so now im watching "Barbara Walter's Most fascinating people of 2008 Preimiere"

did u know that sarah palin actually said that she can see russia from alaska? lolol i need that as a bumper sticker. btw, the most common halloween costumes of 2008: sarah palin, indiana jones, angelina jolie, and some lost character, and of corse:


lolol. heha(not like a donkey)(if u think that ur an ass) lol jk

tom cruise is so full of it.

i was tryng to talk to my mom today when she was "working". i made some joke about how "my life is so hard, and nobody listens to or understands my feelings, *tearteartear*."

she sed"you are so full o shit, it's amazing."

thanks mom, i love you 2.=]

i was sick 2day. 4 real this time. i woke up at 7 and was like, what the hell am i doing up this early? then i felt sick and ran to the bathroom so i cud puke in a toilet 3 times. i called my mom who was at work and she forced me to drink seven up. its disgusting! i hate soda! more than i hate food!

anyway, it made me feel better and then i was ttly inspired. i put on white soccer sox and an oversized white shirt. i also threw on my kanye west shutter shades and danced around the house with a remote control in my hand trying to sind. it was kind of risky business, but it was worth 1t.
l8r my mom got home and i asked her to take a picture of my awesome outfit, but she cunt figure out how to work the camera on my fone. i was like, 'fine, ill do it myself.' i danced infront of a mirror and ill show the awesome pics l8r.

yes, this is what i so when im sick and cant go to school cuz i dont want to puke on evry 1.

barbara walters," we are back with the most fascinating persoon of 2008. okay, you guessed it. but who else could we choose besides president elect barack obama."

and with that closing word, i leave u to rest my head pon a white cotton pillow stuffed with feathers from- well, idk where the fluff comes from. poor animals.

i wonder if they make vegan pillows.

ponder this as u sleep.

"Yes we can."

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