Saturday, December 20, 2008

Parker's Bar Mitzvah

So this morning was perker's bar mitzvah. i ont know him that well, but he's friens with hannah and celine and tanner and others... he has come to services evry saturday these past two months to fit in his seven services requirement before his bm.
i go 2 services evry saturday morning and he had been there almost evry week. i also noticed that he came to the november bat mitzvahs.
(vanessa, ellen, celine, me)so he came to mine and i wasnt ma or anything cuz technically, evry1 in the congregation is invited to evry saturday morning service. he didnt come to my party tho. i was planning on going 2 services 2day anyway but sometimes im not able to make it. last week ,tho, his mo and my mom were talking and she sed that it wud b good if we came to parker's bar mitzvah. i wanted to go 2, cuz a buncha my friends were going cuz he's a sevie and they're sevies. It was cool seeing my friends during winte break and celine and hanah and tanner were there 2! (cuz they're his i sed) it was cool and he had a band at his luncheon so that wuz fun...
he has some party 2nite but im not going. it starts at 8, so it'll probly b cool, but whatevr. my rents also have a christmas party to go 2.

some background: one day celine an i were leaving sunday school. jared's mom, sheeba was picking him up and she only knew celine, not me. (=P) she asked celine, "oh, is this your babysitter?" lol! celine and i r like besties and she's 6 months older than me. she got very unhappy about it and yelled at sheeba about how she was older and blah blah blah... jared thot it was funny and so did his brother eli. now, this happened a long time ago, but at services one year 4 the high holy days, i walked by eli and he saw me and sed, "you're the babysitter!" ya, he didnt forget.

so today, my parents have their party and they want me to invite a friend over. of course i forgot and knew wud call some1 at the last minute. duh...=] but 2day at lunch my mom asked celine if she wanted to "babysit me 2nite". it was kinda a joke like thing, but celine was super excited. i guess its funny how i was "the babysitter" and now...she's babysitting me. goood times...
whatevr, she's gonna pass out on my couch anyway, lol


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