Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Mother Thinks This is Hilarious, But This Is the Fifth Time I've Told This Story going to tell it anyway, because itll b the first time u all have heard it...
i was in the lunch line and there were three girls behind me...these r not the smartest girls at skool...if u know what i mean. <3 well girl 1 was explaining to girls 2 and 3 that chicken of the sea is not actually chicken.
here's how the conversation went:
girl 1: its called chicken of the sea because...u know how chicken is like popular like on earth? well tuna is popular in the sea.
girl 2: ohhhhh... like with the little fishies
girl 3: what about shrimp?
girl 1: i dont know.
girl 2: i have a shirt that ses 'is this chicken or is this shrimp?' and i finally get it!
girl 3: yea. this has confused me for soooo long.


xoxo Gossip Girl

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