Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Day in LA

So, I went to Los Angeles and it was really fun.
Here are a few funny things that happened:
  1. we were driving through along streets named capri and san remo. lol there was also a street named sunset but evry town has one of those. (=]).
  2. We went to this great Vegan resturant and ordered these awesome nachos. They were so huge that my dad ate the with a fork. This was very funny. i also discovered my love for spinach linguine. It is delicious.
  3. We brought Annie some xmas presents and one of them was a shirt from Tracy that i ttly want right now. It said: "Dwight Schrute is my sensai." It also has a big picture of dwight. hahaha.
  4. We went to Circuit City and my dad spent the whole time talking to some guy about getting a high definition television. Ya right...That'll never happen...hmmmm...

So it was ya, really fun...


o right. Polls have closed and people have decided that the chicken crossed the road to meet with a girl chicken and have dinnner at a vegetarian resturant. lol. u guys are gr8...