Thursday, October 16, 2008


Katie McCall.

There r no words to desribe her. She is like no one else. Katie has colorful hair. It was blonde, then red, then blondish-red. im not sure what color it is now. i dont even think whe knows or remembers.

Katie and i have many memories together:

1) that sign on hope terrace

theres a sign on the corner of hope ave and hope terrace that ses hope terrace. i wus walking with her (and probably chloe, i cant remember) one day and she(they) told me to sit on the sign. she danced around and when i wasnt paying attention she pushed me into the grassy shrub that was behind the sign. she was laughing and now that i think about it, its pretty funny, but i was pisd. there were so many bugs and i cudnt get up cuz i was wearing a backpack. it was fun tho.


im not gonna write this story cuz its mean and she'll go crazy mad... at me... and the wolrld

katie, if u really hate this, ill delete it. bu remember u were the one who wanted me to write about u.


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