Friday, October 17, 2008

Yah its weekend!

I cant believe it finally friday. thank god.

today in leadership, we had a guaest speaker. it was haley's dad. he's a sheriff and he showed us embarassing pictuers of haley. there was one of haley and her brother and ian asked, "which one's haley?" it was really funny.
then we asked him to show us some defense kung fu or whatever they teach in the sheriffs department. damien volunteered to help him demonstrate. he held damien in some sheriff position where u cant move. it wasnt supposd to hurt, but it looked funny. we all left laffing about damien getting beat up by a cop.

after he beat up damien, he showed us his handcuffs. it was kinda boring after that, but whatever.

i went to the $ dance at lunch. i had to go because leadership was in charge of setting it up. i stood behind the speakers the whole time and watched ms wilson yell at ppl 4 grinding. it was funny .

the dance ended up pretty lame. but whatev.


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