Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hi danuta. i love danuta.
Yah! danuta!

Not the Martin Luther King kind

So Last night I had a dream.

(I know another on1 rite. =[)

So I had this dream where there was a homecoming dance. I was hanging out with Michelle and Celine and we realized we were late for the dance. I put on my new dress. (will show picture l8r)(or not). it has stripes on top and it is black on the bottom. So we realized we forgot to get dates and had to get some at last minute. First I called Joshy but he was out of town and wasnt going. Then i called matt and he sed yes (hey, it was a dream). We got to the dance and it was ten dollars but i didnt have any money, and shelley only had enuf for her. matt had 15 dollars and let me go in. Then i got lafed at 4 not having a date tho he was just waiting outside. (he's nice like that). Later i went outside to see him and he wasnt there. i came back in and saw him dancing with agnetta! i went over to slap him or something but then there was a bright light and yelling and i woke up.

i realized it was all a dream and i quickly forgave agnetta 4 her slutty bitchiness.


Friday, November 28, 2008

The only thing better than HAIRSPRAY, that's me.

Okay, so to be ttly honest. i have nothing to say. im watching hairspray because my mom really wanted to watch it. but of course right now she's passed out on our couch with her finger in her eye. of course my dad is now ttly into the movie and doesnt want to turn it off.

OMG! zac efron just told nikki blonsky she was too big for him or something like that. now the mean blonde lady is trying to sduce the ugly white guy. she's not doin a very good job, but his wife is about to walk in. omg, i cant watch. its gonna b so sad.

back to my life-

AHHH! she just saw them and now the fat wife who is really john travolta is crying. the mean blonde lady ttly faked it and is a horrible person. now the ugly white dad is sleeping in his store on a bed of whoopie cushions.

the photo strips from my bat mitzvah party were given to us on a cd by the owners of the action photobooth.
CHRISTOPHER WALKIN! thats the name of the ugly white guy who plays the dad.

my mom just woke up and yelled
"im not asleep"
now she's trying to stay awake, but she's doinga horrible job.

so the cd was given to us and i was like" *light bulb*" idea, whatevr u want to call it. a stroke of brilliance. i was gonna put them on facebook so peepl wudnt have to buy them from online.
so when i tried to download them, it wudt work. i looked around online and realized that the were copiwrited and "violated the 'facebook code of conduct'" i was like whatevr, and i tried to print 1. it came out awesome and if i wanted to go to all the trouble i cud print out all of them and scan them.
actually, im pretty sure thats illegal.
ooooooo, im a criminal. sexy, hehe.

now my mother has fallen back asleep and john travolta and christopher walken sang some duet wbout how much they love eachother.
when i saw hairspray on broadway, the mom was also played by a man. he was ttly into the role and handled it very well. the father, on the other hand, was laughing so much that he cud barely sing his song.

oooo, my favorite song is on now.
queen latifah is singing a song that i ttly love about her "knowing where she's been"

whoa! now its nigttime. i should stop writing!

this movie is missing two very important songs

"if i let you leavethe house right now, you'd be fighting whores for cigarrettes. "

ahhhh, i just realized, im watching another amanda bynes movie. i guess thats what i do, blog while im watching movies.

i really should stop.
must stop blogging
ahhhhh! ive been taken over by the man.

"i was at home, practicing my twist on the twist...I can't sleepi can't eat-"
"You cant eat!? Oh, honey, come in I'll make you some pork."

there r some great lines in this movie, I'll just write some more lines. esides, my life is boring and no one wants to read or hear about it. i guess i blog because no one will listen to me talk.

"Life is like getting my big break then laryngitis.[without love]"
"without love, life is like my mother... on a diet"
"always ice cream, never sundaes"

"you guys better brace yourself for a whole lotta ugly coming at you from a never wnding line of stupid"
"So u've met my mom."

thats a great line.
im really ,leaving this time...



"What gives a girl power and punch? Is it poise?Is it punch? no its HAIRSPRAY!"

Coolest moovie evr

so u have to know the background of the story to understand. It was 1 night and my sister celine was sleeping ovr at my house. we went to blockbuster and rented a movie. Sydney White to be exact. This is an awesome movie about amanda bynes who goes to college and tries to join her mom's sorority but doesnt get in. then she goes to this loser house and decides to sign them up to run for president and student council. some complications happn, but at the end, she's the president of the student council at the college (ya, as a freshman) and turns the loser house into an awesome house. Then its the end.
the whole movie is a spoof of cinderella. oops, i mean snow white. wow, i am tired. i shud go to bed. nvm, anyway... she's snow white, has prince charming, an evil bitch, and seven losers.

so celine and i watched the movie and then it wwas only 10, so we didnt have anything left to do.
so, of course, we watched the movie again.
we had had plenty of candy to keep us up all night.
so we watched the movie again, but then we fell asleep so, we went to bed.

the next day, we cud recite evry word of the script and were ttly sick of amanda bynes' face.
my mom was bright and happy at 4 in the morning cuz she went to bed at 830.
we were super drowsy and then she sed
'hey girls, lets watch tht movie we rented last night. what was is called, 'Sydney Whit'"
we were like

so today, (or i guess now its yesterday. wow it is late) was thanksgiving. I do not like thanksgiving. all i ate was green bean casserole and some turkey. then there was a lot of pie and cookies and birthday cake and brownies.

so anyway(wow, i say that a lot) sydney white was on on demand and i hhhaaaddd to watch it. of course, i knew evry word and i know exactly what happened. but the whole time i was like,
"ahhhhh, gooooooood times"

i got kinda sick of it, but my mom realy wanted to watch it so we really had to see the whole thing. then it was ovr and she went to bed and know im supposed to b sleeping so im signing off.

good nite
i love u cody and celine and agnetta and katie and myself and any1 else whom i may have mist.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What now?

I just had my bat mitzvah partee( yes partee, we've been ovr this already and remember im no hoe) and it was super fun. im typing this from cody's laptop which is super fun to type on. she came to my partee and now im at celine's house with her and celine and cody. celine has this pet on myspace and its so fat it wont fit in the room she put it in. the room she put it in, by the way, is a bathroom. cody put all these pictures on myspace of me and her so if ur friends with her check them out. also, he default picture has me in it (im in the back). i look pretty and so does cody. her eyes were all big and pretty in the picture so thats y she likes it. luckily i was in it, so i get to be on her default. =] yah! i feel loved.

at my partee ... nevermind. ive decided not to talk about it. it was fun. i wore this SUPER pretty sky blue halter dress. i also wore these real pearls and my sexy beast(!) tiara. my slideshow was really cute and i could ttly tell that Tracy made it. there were so many pictures of me and her when we lived in the same house and spent a lot of time together.

when we got back to Celine's house e called Cody's bgf(best guy friend) ryan. there were a buncha other guys and one of them was really hot but them he was a 6th grader. then we-

HOLY CRAP! what was that? omg, i think it was the window. some1's outside. mayb it was the wind. probably. g2g, not really but im bored and cody and celine keep telling me im annoying and mean to them. whatevr. who gives a care what they think? wait... they're my bff's so i care. whatevr. o mom, if u read this by 2moro morning, celine and cody want to come to grandma's brunch. is that ok? u probably wont read this, but just in case. ill talk to u 2moro.

ily(i just found out that this means i love you, i used to think it was a friggin flower. oops!)


Thursday, November 20, 2008

What should my new poll be?




i want to know who commented and now im poed! i know one of them was my mothr and im mad idk the othr 1. i wish peepl wud write their names after their comments

Tuesday, November 18, 2008





Monday, November 17, 2008

Partay vs. partee

yes, to those of u that ask. there is a difference. celine had a PARTAY! we were all like "heeeyyyyy!" and the deejay was like, "hhhooo" and etcetcetc.

my partey will be a partee. duh!
we will all be like
"heeeee!" and then "hhhoooo"

and that is y no one's party will b a hoe.

thank you and good nite

Ok, now my last one doesnt make sense

Whatevr if u care to understand me u cannot just speak to me on the web.

i do get lonely when no one comments on my posts or votes in my polls. o ya, and dont forget, u can always post a comment about an idea for a poll.
thnx, and i love u all! even u emily!

- - =]

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm sorry.

She's not a slut. she's really nice. ok, now no one is mad.


katie and will and jared
eli and damien

celine and sasha and jackie

sabrina and maddie


sasha and jackie


will jared and jackie

These r pictures from the temple playground

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Celine's PARTAY!!!

my bff celine sure knows how to throw a party. major drama and dancing and fun!
ok, new guy graph(kind)

beginning of nite:
guy #1: used to be liked by girl#1, likes (or liked, im not sure) girl #3
guy #2: currently liked by girl 1, likes girl 3
guy #3: liked by girl 2, likes ???

girl#1: liked guy 1, but currently likes guy 2
girl #2: likes guy 3, liked by a buncha loser guys
girl #3: likes guy 2

then party party party, drama drama drama...

end of night:
guy #1: lonely and alone, no one likes him, he likes some girl whos not important in my story
guy #2: dating girl 3, made out with her by end of nite, calls himself a man now. unliked by girl 1
guy #3: same

girl #1: likes ??? heart... broken
girl #2: same
girl #3: dating guy 2 and a very nice person

Me: ttly content and not prepared to reveal my second deepest darkest secret (the first being that i am a vampire/werewolf)(i know ur all jealous!) on the internet. so im just happy and glad i survived my third party this week.

my 3 parties:
1)ellens awesome party. so fun! luv ya donna ellen and jadey!
2)leadership dance/party. hot deejay, hot people, hot party!
3) celine's coolio bedulio bat mitzva! it was sooooo much fun!

now, my feet r killing me and i need to go watch snl!


ps. kall me if you have questions about my blog or ur lonely and bared because i like talking. if u r severly pist off, pleez dont kall me, pleez calm down and email me.

luv ya world! and technology!

One Person Voted In My Poll... And it was me.

thats pathetic. im ashamed. boohoo. now im bored. ill write about celine's party, but ill make that a new post.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


pardon my french, but this fire fuckin sux! its horrible. all my friends live around where it is and i am pist off!

i do NOT want to get evacuated because4 i dont want to have to choose what to take, but all my friends have been or are getting evaced. i havent lost power so im writing while i can. the lady on tv is telling me to prepare to lose power so im signing off.


omg, ttl inside joke coming up:
haha. luv ya celine!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Reality Update

rock of love charm school:

best show ever untill...


i cant believe thay actually kicked her off! poor brandi c! i get that they actually want to help the girls, but they have to give peepl some reason to watch the show! i dont know what to do anymore. Im going to watch in case anything happens to my fave girl lacey or that meany brandi m.

paris hilton still has an awesomme show. i heard this quote from her in US mag where she sed that she not that stupid. here's the quote:

"I'm smart and I know what's going on. I can laugh at myself; I'm in on the joke."
Paris Hilton On Playing into her dumb-blonde image

ooooo, so she's dumb on purpose. im sure. idk, i guess its like megan at school. she asks the stupidest questions on purpose so guys will like her. i guess it works. nick ses he likes answering her questions cuz it makes him feel smarter. whatevr. they're both tttly weird anyway

g2g. mayb ill stay up all night. someone call me! i get lonely when im alone
(i didnt get that either?)


Here Are Pictures From Ellen's Party!

Her party was really fun and im really glad i didnt miss it. none of my hebrew school bff's were there, but i think that made it more fun. i think that if my usual academy friends, i wudnt have had as much fun. i also got to make new friends which i ttly love!!!!!!!
People in pics:
me (duh!)
it was really fun! lotsa other peeples were there too.

Ellen's Parteee

Omg ! i just got back from an awesome party! ill post pics l8r

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I figured out how to post pictures!

I really have nothing to say but I want to show pictures. here is a picture of me and my dad in new zealand. Ain't I cute!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Someone voted in my poll!

Thank youto the one person who voted in my poll. (It was probably my mother) I am howevr, pisd that u dont think i will make a good president!
Today at academy (ive removed the names for privacy. The number of *s will show u who the same people r):

* liked ** , but now * likes ***
and *** likes **** and ** likes ***** and ****** likes ******* and i told ***** that * liked ** but now likes *** and i think * knows that i told ***** about * liking ***. o ya and ******** is going to ny!

it makes sanse. here mayb this will make it more clear:

1 liked 2 but now she likes 3
3 likes 4 and 2 likes 5. i told 6 and 2 that 1 liked 2, but now 1 likes 3 and i think 6 or 2 told 1, cuz somehow, 1 knows that i told 6 and 2. 8 is going to ny!

whatevr. mayb if u really want to know u can ask me in person but im not gonna write it online cuz... well whtevr.

in my first hebrew school class there are only 8th graders:
me sarah
hannah r

those were just the people who were there today. our teacher played us "the stickr song" and then she left and her husband just talked to us about israel. Then it was break and tanner had some secret to tell hannah that celine wanted to know and parker was dating some1, then hannah and lacey called jeff and jared tried to jump really high to reach this bar. justin was really depressed and then got more dpressed when jared reached the bar but justin cudnt. I didnt even bother trying to jump ten feet.

finally break was ovr and i went to my jewish music class which is cool, but my teacher hates me. we talked about stuff and then watched a video that happened to be the music video for the song we heard in my first class. these r the people who were in my second class today:

me sarah

our teacher is eli and he dusnt like any1 but ellen hannah and lacey. ok, so almost evry1 but me. the video is on my faceboook page (Sarah Chase) or u can c it on youtube if you search hadag nahash. its in a different language so watch the 1 with subtitles. the song is a compilation of bumper stickers and is called the sticker song. we had to go thru and identify all the different peepl in the video and the ones i remember were pimp, prostitute, slim shady, and guy dressed as a poor religious mother with a baby. o ya, there was also a terrorist and a soldier. qnyway, its like an israeli video. its cool.

there is this one character who has a long dark beard and a black coat, but apparently they drive around in vans with their heads out the sunroofs and music players on their shoulders, gathering peepl to come to some park where they do hippi and zen stuff and ya know, praise god and such.

then hannah was chosen to bring a song 4 next week that she thinks is jewish or israeli. she told eli she wud forget and he was like "whats ur phone #? whats ur email adress?"
she like whispered her email adress to him and he loudly sed" dus blonde hav an e at the end?" we all lafed and it was reely funny.

i found pics from second grade and im gonna go look at them now. i hope they r cute. im so jealous of my sisters bcuz they got to live with the wonderful ball of jaoy and happiness that s me. i found a video where tracy recorded me lifteing my head and wrote these exact words on a sign that she held up next to my face:
"sarah chase 11 days old
book says that babies ussually lift their head after 2 weeks"

i didnt get to appreciate they wonders of me as a baby cuz i was a baby and i didnt under stand

goodbye internet!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


So I looked on facebook and every1 has pictures from halloween. hello!!!! how do u take pics on halloween? i was 2 busy trickortreating to take pictures! what the heck!
O, comment on my poll, its ttly predictable, but vote anyway. i think we know who my vote goes to (lil wayne). o ya and wen i say Sarah (P.) i mean Palin, not the billions of other sarah's i know. i think ill make a list of all of them:

  1. sarah chase
  2. sarah kelmenson
  3. sarah peka
  4. sarah scott
  5. sarah kiefer
  6. sarah nguyen
  7. i dont remember anymore. really sorry if i forgot your name!

celine is sitting on my couch passed out. idk what to do with her.

we went shopping 2day and it was fun but it was also funny. we were coming out of bebe and it was me, celine, and her mom. we were walking towards macy's and sitting in front of angl was lauren underwood, megan burrey, sasha alexander, jordan price, seb, and some others. celine and i were walking behind her mom cuz it was kinda weird to b seen walking with ur mom (or in my case my bff's mom). sasha saw us first and came running up to celine yelling, "saaaaaleeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they were hugging and then celine's mom came over and was like, " sasha give me a hug too". celine pushed her out of the way and kept hugging sasha.

seb and his friends were yelling my name but i didnt wanna go ovr there so i just waved and we went into macy's. it was fun, but kinda akward. celine and i walked at least ten feet behind her mom for the rest of the night.

watching best week ever. its so funny! lolol

(laugh out loud out loud)

luv ya world