Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Someone voted in my poll!

Thank youto the one person who voted in my poll. (It was probably my mother) I am howevr, pisd that u dont think i will make a good president!
Today at academy (ive removed the names for privacy. The number of *s will show u who the same people r):

* liked ** , but now * likes ***
and *** likes **** and ** likes ***** and ****** likes ******* and i told ***** that * liked ** but now likes *** and i think * knows that i told ***** about * liking ***. o ya and ******** is going to ny!

it makes sanse. here mayb this will make it more clear:

1 liked 2 but now she likes 3
3 likes 4 and 2 likes 5. i told 6 and 2 that 1 liked 2, but now 1 likes 3 and i think 6 or 2 told 1, cuz somehow, 1 knows that i told 6 and 2. 8 is going to ny!

whatevr. mayb if u really want to know u can ask me in person but im not gonna write it online cuz... well whtevr.

in my first hebrew school class there are only 8th graders:
me sarah
hannah r

those were just the people who were there today. our teacher played us "the stickr song" and then she left and her husband just talked to us about israel. Then it was break and tanner had some secret to tell hannah that celine wanted to know and parker was dating some1, then hannah and lacey called jeff and jared tried to jump really high to reach this bar. justin was really depressed and then got more dpressed when jared reached the bar but justin cudnt. I didnt even bother trying to jump ten feet.

finally break was ovr and i went to my jewish music class which is cool, but my teacher hates me. we talked about stuff and then watched a video that happened to be the music video for the song we heard in my first class. these r the people who were in my second class today:

me sarah

our teacher is eli and he dusnt like any1 but ellen hannah and lacey. ok, so almost evry1 but me. the video is on my faceboook page (Sarah Chase) or u can c it on youtube if you search hadag nahash. its in a different language so watch the 1 with subtitles. the song is a compilation of bumper stickers and is called the sticker song. we had to go thru and identify all the different peepl in the video and the ones i remember were pimp, prostitute, slim shady, and guy dressed as a poor religious mother with a baby. o ya, there was also a terrorist and a soldier. qnyway, its like an israeli video. its cool.

there is this one character who has a long dark beard and a black coat, but apparently they drive around in vans with their heads out the sunroofs and music players on their shoulders, gathering peepl to come to some park where they do hippi and zen stuff and ya know, praise god and such.

then hannah was chosen to bring a song 4 next week that she thinks is jewish or israeli. she told eli she wud forget and he was like "whats ur phone #? whats ur email adress?"
she like whispered her email adress to him and he loudly sed" dus blonde hav an e at the end?" we all lafed and it was reely funny.

i found pics from second grade and im gonna go look at them now. i hope they r cute. im so jealous of my sisters bcuz they got to live with the wonderful ball of jaoy and happiness that s me. i found a video where tracy recorded me lifteing my head and wrote these exact words on a sign that she held up next to my face:
"sarah chase 11 days old
book says that babies ussually lift their head after 2 weeks"

i didnt get to appreciate they wonders of me as a baby cuz i was a baby and i didnt under stand

goodbye internet!


Tracy Chase said...

OH the wonders of sarah as a baby! i did certainly get to experience that didn't I! it's to bad you were just a wittle baby when you were a baby because you'll never know how cool of a baby you were. baby

Sarah said...

i saw the videos of me and i was sooooooo adorable! im so bummed i mist out!

Sarah said...

ur the baby! MY MOM WANTS U TO GIVE A SPEECH at my bat mitzvah. if u do end up giving 1, dont say anything bad about me, pleez.