Friday, November 28, 2008

Coolest moovie evr

so u have to know the background of the story to understand. It was 1 night and my sister celine was sleeping ovr at my house. we went to blockbuster and rented a movie. Sydney White to be exact. This is an awesome movie about amanda bynes who goes to college and tries to join her mom's sorority but doesnt get in. then she goes to this loser house and decides to sign them up to run for president and student council. some complications happn, but at the end, she's the president of the student council at the college (ya, as a freshman) and turns the loser house into an awesome house. Then its the end.
the whole movie is a spoof of cinderella. oops, i mean snow white. wow, i am tired. i shud go to bed. nvm, anyway... she's snow white, has prince charming, an evil bitch, and seven losers.

so celine and i watched the movie and then it wwas only 10, so we didnt have anything left to do.
so, of course, we watched the movie again.
we had had plenty of candy to keep us up all night.
so we watched the movie again, but then we fell asleep so, we went to bed.

the next day, we cud recite evry word of the script and were ttly sick of amanda bynes' face.
my mom was bright and happy at 4 in the morning cuz she went to bed at 830.
we were super drowsy and then she sed
'hey girls, lets watch tht movie we rented last night. what was is called, 'Sydney Whit'"
we were like

so today, (or i guess now its yesterday. wow it is late) was thanksgiving. I do not like thanksgiving. all i ate was green bean casserole and some turkey. then there was a lot of pie and cookies and birthday cake and brownies.

so anyway(wow, i say that a lot) sydney white was on on demand and i hhhaaaddd to watch it. of course, i knew evry word and i know exactly what happened. but the whole time i was like,
"ahhhhh, gooooooood times"

i got kinda sick of it, but my mom realy wanted to watch it so we really had to see the whole thing. then it was ovr and she went to bed and know im supposed to b sleeping so im signing off.

good nite
i love u cody and celine and agnetta and katie and myself and any1 else whom i may have mist.

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