Wednesday, June 17, 2009

So Far This Summer I've Seen Two Of My Teachers

The other day I went to Starbucks with Cody. We ordered Vanilla Bean Frappacinos (aka the food of LIFEEE <3) but they horrible horrible horrible horrible people at Starbucks had run out of Vanilla Bean powder!!!
It was disasterous.
Fortunately, the lady who worked there felt bad and gave us each free drink cards. Cody got a refund and I got a Double Chocolate Frappacino. It was just as good.
Also recently, I graduated Jr. High School. Ehhh, I can't wait for high school! :D Ned's Declassified makes so much more sense now...
Also, Celine is in Israel where she can't take her phone and doesnt have her computer.
I just saw a commercial for Pocket Plates. ohmigaaaad. The carrots were whining to the pizza about how the applesauce was touching them. Woww.... I want my fod will stop whining! I NEED THAT!!!
This summer I'm working as a CIT at the YMCA. I love it a lot :]]
We go on lots of fieldtrips and I get to do a lot of dishes :P
Today was especially special. First, the children made playdo and made animals out of it. Then I was given the wonderful privelege of washing the bowls they used. I know what you're thinking: How could I be so lucky?
hmmm... I just don't know.
Then I had lunch and went with my group to watch them go swimming. As I was sitting thee outside the pool alone, I heard Katy's walkie talkie say "Please send all CIT's to the kitchen."
Katy wasn't there but I went to the kitchen.
Janine was there baking the animals the kids had made.
She didn't want to use the over because she didn't want to ruin it. Instead, Janine used the microwave to do each one at a time. I was the only CIT that showed up so she showed me how to bake the animals.
I did about three animals before I burnt one.
It was incredibly boring though. I was texting and usually I'm not allowed to text at camp.
Janine walked in on me texting while waiting for the microwave. She said, "Hi Sarah. I know this is boring. It's ok you can text. That's fine. Hows it going?"
Then she told me she was gonna get me a slurpee. Or maybe that was earlier... idk
Then Janine left and Megan came in. We were talking about how I was only going to Y camp for one more week and I should come back later and they're all going to miss me.
Then we noticed smoke coming out of the microwave
We opened the microwave.
A big cloud of brown smoke came billowing out of the machine.
We pulled the clay animal out of the microwave and there was a big black spot in the middle. A hole had burned through the top and smoke was coming out of it. We poured water onto it and took it outside but it just didn't stop.
Janine came in and two preschool teachers came. eventually, it was ok
And we made popcorn to get rid of the smell.
It was all ok.

Gossip Girl

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Major Crisis In Santa Barbara: Annie And I Almost Missed American Idol

dont worry.
were actually watching it right now
at annies house
because my parents are on their way home from LA
and there was a fire
so im at annies
and adam is amazing
(we love adammmm <3 he looks like elvis haha imagine if he didnt win :O)

a few days ago i got in trouble in PE a few times. I dont think Mr K likes me very much
1) so i loose my voice a lot and one weekend cody and i didnt sleep much lol and i cudnt tlk for the next two days. some of my teachers felt bad for me.
mr kauffmann howeer didnt care much. but the other day he sed "sarah, remember when you had laryngitis"
"i didnt have laryngitis. i lost my voice."
"well i heard you were faking it!"
:O "noo!"
"well i did everything in PE"

2) we were supposed to do stomach ups that day. i was a little too busy being social to pay attention. and by the time i noticed everyone was done, it was too late. ok, that time i deserved it.

3) my friends were saying spanish words and i was repeating them so i could learn espanol. (si sarah es amazingo) mr k "hey i know what that word means! five pushups! i wasnt watching do em again! those werent low enuf!'
i ended up doing fifteen pushups with everyone watching because they already did stomach ups.

whatevr :P
now i have to go
hasta la bibis mi amigas
mi favoritas colors sun armarilla y verde
te amo

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Have A Confession; I Am A Mermaid

background: my best friend celine. her mom is in a band and they ahd this gig this weekend at lake naciamento. one of the band members (drums i think...) has a house up there. celine and her mom got invited and celine got to bring a friend. in case you havent already guessed it was me. surprise! :D we drove over to her other band member (john) 's house saturday mornin and rode in his truck for three hours north (i think) untill we got to lake naciamento. road trips are funn <3>


tina (her mom, singer)

robi and scotti <<<>
(scotti is robi's wife)

mr mckenzie/bass player/not keith/i think its doug

his son ben, who i knew from elementry school forever ago

mrs mckenzie/ sharonn


those are all the ppl who stayed in the house i thinkk

Discussion Topics While RoadTripping:

1.Celine: A sheep a sheep! wait no its a horse...

John: thats a cow.

2. Food on the pier. celine: ALL THE HAD WAS FISH! :(and everything smelled like fish!!! thats the whole pier? wheres the candy store? :O

can we just take a row boat to the lake from the ocean?

were going inland...


3. What would you do if you saw a sheep and a cow fighting over a turkey?

I think we all decided we would take a cell phone video and put it on youtube.

4. Celine: Woah that horse has two heads!!! :O

no wait, its two horses :(

tina: thats my girl. so smart.

5. Whats the point of rearview mirrors in vans? All ours did was tell us that we were going north and it was 94 degrees outside.

6. *listening to foreign music*

Celine (joking): This is my jam, myspace song right ehre.

Tina: is it?... i kno youre teasing me.

Celine: mom, half the things i say are teasing you. You never even get it.

Tina: are they?

7. Is scotti british? cause it sounds like a british name... i can just imagine her running down a hill yelling "oh im so sorry!"

8. Moms should not say dude. It makes them sound tacky.

9. *Celine and Tina getting frustrated because we cant figure out how to get in the gate*

Celine (after she yelled... joking): Blame it on the a a a a a alcohol. Blame it on the a a a a --

Sarah: STEAK@!!

(lol, i guess thats an inside jokeee <3)

10. One time in Latin Class, we were going over vocab words and Mr O'donnell said, "Ventem means..." and pointed to his stomach. Then Ryan yelled, "FAT!"

it was funny because ventem means stomachh. ;)

Then we arrived at Lake Naciemento. Celine and I went swimming and Robi showed us that Scotti had six drawers filled with bathing suits.

Celine and I lied in the sun for a little bit and Tina came out and yelled "Sarah do u have sunscreen on your back?!"

i said yes and she came out and put sunscreen on my back. lol, well... its not burned :)

Then all the parents went out to their gig and barbeque. Celine and I watched White Chicks with Ben. It was really funny :)

At one point we put out computers on the ground but i have a PC and Celine has a Mac. I dont know how, but we got to tlking and decided they could make a MeeC or a Pac.

When everyone got back from the gig, we decided to play a game. Game closet: Dont make me laugh, Jenga, Simpsons Clue, scatergories. We chose scatergories. By "we", i mean Celine saw scatergories, grabbed it, and started screaming excitedly finding people to play.

While we were setting up the game, Robi was telling us about his animal heads on the wall. "Once a month I get up on a ladder and vacuum them. I think it makes them happy. They feel better."

We got together our scatergories game, made fun of the nerdy losers who didnt kno how to play tehe jk.

Scotti was trying to cheat and she was doing a very good job. lol, scotti is funny <3

So i didnt wanna play scatergories because... well, anyway. I just sat back and recorded answers people gave. haha.

ok, the first letter was "S"

(while writing answers: What does notorius mean? are you gonna tlk about every question? i hate this game; Im quitting. ugh. i cant think of a fruit! strawberries! shoot did i say that out loud?)

1. restaurant: sizlers. scotti just wrote sushi ("im sure theres a restaurant somewhere named sushi!") somethings fishy.

2. notorius people. socrates, tehe thats for katie <<

3. fruit. strawberries, squash. suckleberry ("ok, i kinda just made that up...")

4. things found in a medicine cabinet: some pills. syrup. sinemet.

5. toys. stick. swing. slinky. ("im a toy freak and i couldnt think of one! ah!" "that was my weapon sling shot." "i like the way you think.")

6. household chores. scraping tables. swabbing the poop deck ("if you live on a pirate ship. duh")

7. bodies of water. sea. salt water. ocean. ("i deserve that." "you dont have to play.")

8. authors. Celine: twilight author <3

9. halloween costumes. slutty vampire. ("its number one for girls under a certain age. slutty anything really." ) skeleton.

10. weapon. shanker (Ben: "i think its a shank Celine.")

11. things associated with exercise. bras. sweat. shank.

The next letter was "G"

(conversation during silent writing time: "This ones not as difficult. girls name. what about 'girl?' " "What are you talking about, this one is wayyy harder." "no one should write that. celines probably writing that." "gangsta bird? how did you knoooo?? :P ")

1. sports. gaga. golf. golfgolf.

2. song. girate. georgia. ghost of you.

3. parts of the body. gut. uhmm thats it ;)

4. ethnic food. giros. gnooki.

5. things you shout. go. gawwww. get out.

6. birdss. gangsta bird. great blue heron.

7. girls names. georgiabelle. gine. giselle.

8. ways to get from here to there. go walk. go use your effing feet. going.

9.things in a kitchen. gutting board.

10. villans and monsters. gargoyles. gross dudes. gladiola. giranum

12. things you replace. girlfriends. gasket.

the last letter is "T"

("Taco Bell here we come." "things in a medicine cabinet. really celine? really?" "Things that are round. Really Ben, really???" "oh gawd. my mom is singing. i should sing too 'BUY MY TOSTADAS! THEYRE NICE AND SWEET!...")

1. resturants. taco bell.

2. notorius people. tony bennet. the todd.

3. fruit. tangerines. tomato ("booo...")

4. things found in a medicine cabinet. tylenol. (Celine [laughing]: uhmm i said uhmm well uhmmm no nothing :) ")

5. toys. trucks. thomas the tank engine.

6. household chores. tidy up.

7. bodies of water. tahoe. tide pool.

8. authors... some old guy.

9. halloween. taco. trex.

10. weapons. tomy gun. tank.

11. things that are round. ("maybe like... nevermind ;)") tostada. toilet seat.

12. (i dont kno what the question was for this but these were the answers people gave. tehe:) tummy tuck. try harder. train.

Then we were deciding where people were sleeping. John: "im gonna sleep outside." Robi: "beware of mountain lions." Celine (reading twilight); "and vampires." Tina: "slutty vampires."

then celine and i wanted to play jenga but celine got reallyyyyyyy mad at me cvuz i kept knocking over the jenga tower. even when we went to put it back in the box. i was holding it and i dropped it. tehe <3

being bored discussion topics:

1. we should text her this *points to writing on phone* and shell probably think we are trying to say fun but forgot the "n" hahahaha :)

2. Whats mine is mine, whats yours is mine.

3. (celine got a drum thing and was trying to sing songs [we had had candy earlier] i was sitting quietly) Celine: "i cant sing when you talk its like buzz buzz buzzzz." Tina: "Celine, stop talking." John: "Sarahs encouraging her..." Tina: "theyve been friends since they were six." Celine: "actually we hated eachother when we were six. i should be a famous drummer. tralalallalaaaaa." Tina: "They would secretly play barbies. Celine was a closet child. Then they would rip their heads off. " Celine: "Bratz dolls head dont come off!" Robi: "Shoot em off!"

Celine's amazing songs at eleven (we had two bags of candy. we were a little hyper. tehee)(all caps are celine):

1. KEITHHHHHH IS BRUSHING HIS TEEEETHHHH! [doug was brushing his teeth and celine thought his name was keith ahahhahahahahahaha. nobody told her it wasnt. and she sang her kieth is brusin her teeth song over and over about fifty times] WHILE I SING THIS SONG, HE IS STANDING NEXT TO JOHNNNNNN! AND STANDING NEXT TO MY MOMMMM! WHO'S A LURK [Tina: ok girls... you can stop now...] IM BEING THREATENED! DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS VERY BADD! SO YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER HIT YOUR MOM OR DADDD!











(this is when she started to wonder if his name was even keith.)

3. John (holding up empty bag of life savers): "this is why..."



4. Ben: "there was this old guy at their gig who kept yelling for country music."

Celine: "lemme sumarize country music for you:




thats country for ya ^^^"



eventually we went to bed. the next morning, we went on the boat. then the jetski with celine and john. the sound a jetski makes on the water reminds me of the beginning of "move shake drop remix"... just saying ;)

after trying adn failing at wakeboarding we went back and started to watch hitch. we decided it was stupid. so we watched blue crush. that is almost the worst movie i have ever seen. i swear. horrible. gawddd

then we went swimming. and home. while packing celine and i were joking and she said: "hey sarah. guess what rhymes with hump!"

me:"hmm, bump, jump, lump, glump..."

Celine: "MORE HUMP!!"

ahhh celine i love youuu

Discussion while Road Tripping Home:

1. John: "look celine. more sheep!"

Celine: "shut up."

2. where to eat. paradise store. they were out of food. some drunk people came in yelling about how they were hot and they needed beer. i got pushed into a stack of candy. as we walked out we could hear them yell, "GET ER DONE!"


3. We are all going to need to go to therapy after this to recover.

I had a great time. :)

Washington DC

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all.

jkjk, i had a great time. but i dont wanna write about. sorry =]

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cydney's Party

There are no words to describe the events that occured tonight except for that word Ellen and Matthew made up but i forget what it is :(
ok, so Cydney had a bat mitzvah this morning and a party tonight. The only eighth graders there were me, Ellen, and Sarah K. but it was still super fun. ok, some highlights:
  1. Jordan and the weed stock. no description necessary
  2. "We can dance horribly because we are the only eighth graders and the coolest people here so we are cooler than them anyway."
  3. omg, austin drama drama, drama... his stupid reputation ugh. (just kidding, i <3>
  4. Dancing with Ally who is from Virginia. Everyone says she is a bad dancer but apparently she was a really good dancer back in Virginia. But i told her about my trip to new york and then everyone danced like her! we were all dancing like virginians (different than virgins) and we were amazing.
  5. Driving home with shayna in the car: mom: how do the boys dance with the girls like that and walk away? me: what they cant walk? mom: no. i mean like a hard one. (shayna was in the back seat laffing her ass off.) me: we dont need to talk about that right now mother!
  6. Driving home right when Shayna got out of the car: mom: So i have to ask. Don't the boys get boners? (silenceeeeee))) me: i wouldnt know mom. (:D i am smart like that) mom: bullshit.
  7. ok, this has nothing to do with the party but it happened on friday. jared was doing push ups (i know, *gasp* lol) and tried to clap behind his back. He got the clap, but then he forgot to catch himself and fell on the ground.but he didnt break his jaw or anything... it just hurt.
  8. my mother (i wudnt lie about this) came up to me (no joke) and asked (this is for real) "if im grinding with your father do i face him or turn around?" (i know. i freakded out too.) me: "you stand arms length away and talk." then twenty minutes later we look over and our parents have started a grinding train. i know. we ran outside and tried to recover ourselves with some sparkley glowing pink martini glasses filled with sparkling cider and 7-up.
  9. ok, at the beginning, i was hanging out in the bathroom (they were playing bad music jeez) with ellen and talya. i was trying to text cody about highlight #8 but i couldnt get a signal. i stood up on a bench and yelled "yes!" when i was finally able to send my message. then michaela and dane walked in and were like "uhhhh..."

that was my night. it was just about amazing. <3>


Gossip Girl

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New York City <3

ok. i wrote this while on the airplane and at some parts i got bored and wrote "blah blah blah" just read the end... the rest is pretty useless to be honest.

(Don’t read the whole thing there’s highlights at the end)
Thursday: after saying my goodbyes to Hannah and Claire I went with my m other home and then to the airport. Got an airport smoothie, some chocolate, and some mentos. First plane… uneventful… los angelos… cute boy at airport… actually only boy my age id seen in a while. Easy trip to next airplane… watched gory action movie on plane while everyone else slept. Looked up and my mom wasn’t there but that was ok cuz then she came back from the bathroom :D got home late late late… went to bed at three in the morning new York time…
Friday: morning breakfast at murrays,,, egg bagel sandwich yummy yummy… my dad didn’t believe we were going the right direction but we ended up walking around the blo0cka few times till we found it. :D oh well,,, it was good…
Di a lil shopping with grammy and ma… American apparel= cuteness,,, and my grandma found some stuff too… lollz J
H&m= new favorite store. Love it! I got tons of new clothes and I wore them Friday night and I have pics elsewhereeeee…
Lunch at some Chinese restaurant= yummy!!! Delish…
Afterwards we all wanted to go the art meusuem (yes… wanted…) but my grandparents and my dad didn’t wanna walk or take the subway… they got a cab whil,e my mom and I walked to the subway station… so we had asked my uncle where to get off the subway for meseum and he told us 57th street… so we’re on the subway and we get to 54th street but decide to go one more stop to 57th… however, the next stop wasn’t 57th street… it had some other name… so then we decided to keep going to the next stop. Soon we realized we shudda gotten off but we decided to just stay and walk back… well the next stop was in queens. If you now new York, you know we cannot walk back to Manhattan from queens… theres a little something called water in the way… well then it was too late for the measeum so we went back on the subway to manhattan… but we went too far again and had too walk awhile before we got to our hotel… we survived tho…
Then we wlaked BACK to the subway to meet the museum ppl in Brooklyn… we got on the subway but quickly realized we were going the wrong direction.. we got off and went back the right way until we got to Brooklyn. Once in Brooklyn we went with my cousin and got our nails done. Then we went back to her house and had dinner with all the family.
At her house, her brother, my cusin, izzy, was playing fuseball with his friends and my dad. He was ttly kicking my dads ass. And one of his friends,,, I think it was his cuzin… sed “never play fuse against a boy who has a fuse table next to his bed.”
:D then the boyz went to a pool table and while… now im waiting to my dad to get back… cuz im in my hotel… cuz my cuzins counvinced us not to take the subway home but to get a driver… so we did… and now we are home… and waiting for my dad to get home from the Brooklyn pool hall J
Was planning on being awoken at ten oclock to get a nice breakfast with my parents in new York. But of course I slept till twelve. When I woke up I found a bagel and ate it. It was delicious… just so you know. :D
Then I had to get all dressed up and go out to lunch with the fam. It was fun and I had fun talking to my cousins and their cousins and such… it was funnyyyy. After lunch everyone went on an art gallery tour with my uncle but my mom and I decided to go shopping J we went to union square because I needed new shoes and a backpack… and I REALLY wanted a dress from new York so I could say I had a dress from new York. Plus, I needed to get cody a birthday present <3 cuz I missed her bday L but it was ok J
After we were shopping we went back to the hotel and got ready for the night time party.
I forgot my hair straightener L but I had a pretty dress (from cali tho) so it was ok
We got to the gallery for the party and there was an adorable slideshow playing with some cute pictures of may and me <3 we found Emily Julia may and her friends up there and I hung out with them. I started meeting may’s friends and there were A LOT of them…. New Yorker ppl… may goes to private school so she invited her whole grade. They were cool tho… I guess… naw they were different than California people.
I hung out with these girls suzanna and amalia. They were fun. Nobody was dancing tho because they all thought they were too cool :P new York kids think they are way too old J im young enough to have fun. But they were all talking about their boyfriends and other peoples boyfriends and kissing in the park <3
Eventually I got bored of this whole standing around talking while loud music is being played behind us. I went out to hang out with my cousins J their food wasn’t as awesome as our Chinese noodles, sushi, and pizza. I met a lot of people who are in my family but I never knew before but they are really cool <3
Then all of may’s friends went home and we left too.
Woke up early unfortunately, got to JFK. We went to our terminal and such… I had some burger king, my mom had coffee blah blah blah…
We got on our airplane eventually and watched our super educational and fun safety video. Some lady with stange eyebrows, huge abnormal lips, point ears, and high cheekbones showed up on the screen and explained to us that if theres a sign and we don’t do what it says we can be removed from the air plane. She wagged her finger in my face saying “there is nooooooooooooooooooooo smoking on this plane.” Well it dusnt sound as funny when I type it but next time you are on a delta flight just watch the funny safety video J or if you are not going on a delta flight soon then imagine that she sed it real funny-like :D
Now im watching my super ex girlfriend on my air plane on my way to los angelos.
All my friends are at the track meet right now L and im missing themmmmm <3 but I will be home soon.
Ok, I promised the important partssss
So at her party at night, I first hung out with may jane and bella. Then other ppl from her school started arriving so we went to see them. This one boy dander showed up and told jane that her shoes didn’t match her dress. Then jane told him that they didn’t have to match they just go well together. So jane got another boy who sided with her and dandre got another boy who agreed with him. Then they talked about until jane finally asked, where do u boyz get your fashion sense anyway? And dandre jokingly sed What Not To Wear… that really made me lol. If I ever heard a santa Barbara boy say that I wud probably be a little scared or not know what to do J
Also at her party… later when everyone was dancing… this girl amalia was telling suzana about some girl who was grinding with this boy and “like omg what a slut. I can believe her.” And then I sed “do new York ppl like… not do that?” and suzana sed “no!” that made me lol too <3
According to Emily all new York kids think they are too old to party or have fun so they just stand around. Im not gonna lie… its pretty lame… but new York has great shopping and if you ever go to Chelsea, go to the Mac store because it is WAY cool. J
Also. I learned about new York this past weekend. New York city has five burrows. Manhattan (where I stayed), Brooklyn (where my cousin lives), Queens (where I ended up on the subway one day) and the Bronx (where I didn’t go this year) are four of them. I cant name the fourth… oh shoot. Somebody should comment with the fifth burrow of New York or tell me if they go in any particular order :D
Ok, within each of these burrows, there are neighborhoods. I was staying in the neighborhood of Manhattan called Chelsea. My cousin lives in a neighborhood in Brooklyn but I don’t remember what its called. I wanna say pointslope but maybe that’s just because im thinking about algebra. Well I know it ends in slope .
Ok, last thing… I promise. At the party my relative/friend –I really don’t know- told me I look like the girl with the pearl earring and she took a picture of me. Idk exactly what the girl with the pearl earring looks like but I think it’s a painting… then at the airport my mom said that my hair has grown out in such a way that it looks like a popular eighties hairstyle most commonly worn by Jennifer aniston. I was quick to reply “the RACHEL!?” (Katie would be proud that I know what that is and that I was actually paying attention that one time we watched I love the eighties together all day). But yea, apparently I have”the Rachel” which Is cool… I guess… idk Katie wud like it but im pretty sure the rachel is over. Lol. Idk, I like it tho J
I have also decided –I kno I sed the last one was the last one but this time is for real cuz my shuttle is about to be here--- that today deserves an acronym. Aycbaqoo
Abs you could bounce a quarter off of
Xoxo Gossip Girl with the Rachel hairstyle

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ive been Waiting For This For So long

so call me a loser but ive been waiting untill today so i can write about all the bnai mitzvot in my class <3 today was jade's and it was the last one of our academy class. ok, here i go.

#1) Lacey. i wasnt invited but she had the same dj as me because she is in the picture with her friends on the scott topper flyer.
2) tanner. i wasnt invited but he had a good dj and i know this because celine had the came one.
3) this my first one. seb. not much. lunch. funnn. it was my first bat mitzvah in our class so i didnt get how fun they could be. but yea, seb
4) mackenzie. so at first i wasnt gonna go to this but then we became close friends like a week before. we went down to the beach and had a funnnn day party. it was really cool.
5)Jared. well jared's was the same day as my neices birthday party so celine and i showed up late.. a buncha ppl sed jareds was fun but honestly i didnt have a gr8 time tehe. sry jared. (btw, at the jew retreat ellen and i were joking about our husbands lol and she was like "did he go to jareds?" [like jareds galleria of jewelry for a ring and all] but i didnt get it at all and i sed "i dont think he was at jareds bar mitzvah.) :D
6)cade. cades was fun but i didnt kno all his friends back then. but i had fun and i think my mom went to that one. lol. im sure she had a great time...
7)Ben. well hes not my best friend so i wasnt really sure who his friends were. but i remember hanging out with mackenzie at that one.
8) michael. omg, he invited a buncha my friends so it was awesome! i had a great time.
9) Felds. well idk if theyre actually in our class but they made it into the temple bulletin. but i didnt go to theirs.
10)emily. i think she was the first nighttime party i went to but it was really funn and i made lotsa new friends.
11) justin. his was fun but im pretty sure i spent the whole time outside down by the outdoor chapel with mackenzie seb and jared. lol. but omg, now i remember! ok, so justin knew ted and kevin s from like boy scouts i think and justin had this dancers from the phillipenes and they taught teddy and kevin some dancing. it was really funnay!
12) cassidy/hannah r. well they were on the same day but i went to cassidy's. i remember that was the first time i sed sumthing during the service discussion! cuz there were a buncha ppl i knew there and i wanted them to all kno i was there. it was funn tho <3
13)hannah k. omg, hers was super fun! neon party at this cool place. i got a wax hand from that. it was really fun and koolio.
14)henry. i love henry. and he had a really fun party. it was the last one before the big summer break. he had a movie theme and it was really cool. like a hollywood sign (lollz insider <3 tehe) with his name. it was kooool.

...big summer break...very sad... but then it was fall...

15) zoe. zoe's was fun cuz it was outside cuz the temple wasnt ready yet and kelly was there. so it was kool. omg, at her party there was a bono impersonator and celine and i convinced sabrina (celines lil sis) and jackie (olivias lil sis) that it was really bono. and they went and asked for his autograph. it was really funnay. but they got really mad when he told them the truth. tehe :P
16) olivia. if u were there u understand why there are no words to describe olivias. she found out at the last minute she cudnt hav it at the temple because they were doing construction. so she had it at the bacara (btw, this was the day before my bday so i got a new dress, my blue one that i wear all the time for those of u that know, and i was all excited about wearing it.) so i went to the bacara. and i was on crutches. and uhmmm yea. i got a henna tattoo and all my friends were there and i uhmmmm... made new friends (still get made funn of for that, just so u kno... i think theyre getting over it tho)... yea, i made new friends. ok, thats all that happened. at the end we jumped on buble wrap which was oddly childishly funnnn. tehe <3
17)aryanna. (isnt it strange how theyre all next to eachother? o well, they probably planned that...) i didnt go to aryanas...
18) josh. josh's was super funnn and i hung out with celine and aryanna cuz i remember we all went to the bathroom at one point and then aryanna and i left celine in there tlking to herself. haha. that was funnnnnn...
19) vanessa. day after halloween. i wasnt up for a bat mitvah. but it was fun. she had this characturchurrrr (who knows how to spell those drawing things of people?) artist and he wasnt very good at her party.
20)Ellen. she was the first one in our havurah to go so we had a great time. her party was awesome. i made lots of new friends at her party. we had a great time.
21) celine!!! my bff. she ahd the same dj as tanner and he was really cool. i knew a lot of ppl at hers and i had a gr8 time.
22) ME!!! HOW COOL IS IT THAT MINE WAS ON 11/22/09 AND ITS NUMBER 22! well i think its kool... :P im pretty sure ive already blogged about mine :P
23)daniel. well i was late to daniels because i was at americana practice but then i went for the end and hannah was late too so it was ok. tehe.
24) jade. today. the end. i had a great time. and she is my best friend. and i met some of her friends. and it was really funnn. she had a beatles theme. and i got a cd at the end with beatles songs. yeshhhhhhhh.

thats the end. its over. omigawsh. i cant believe it but its true. now i just have my seventh grade friends who im hoping will invite me. i cant wait for jordan in a few weeks but i hav to learn my aliyah! ahhhh... wish me luck ,3

xox Gossip Girl

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Me vs. you from comedy Central

it was this funny comedy song about how "me and you dont go together" it was metaphorical and really funny. here are sum examples:

me the SAT's, you a high school football player
me a angry rapper, you the english language
me starving wolverine, you baby covered in porkchops
me hillbilly, you my teeth
me mexican sprinting champion with cousin who has job oportunity for me, you border
me police, you campus police
me feather, you ticklish man sitting in rocking chair on edge of cliff.
me versus you...
then there was a fake commercial for this rat killing poison thing about religion, heres how it went:
"rats rats rats... youve tried trapping them, poisoning them. youve even tried bribing them. its time you tried the only rat poison that harnesses the power of religion. CREEDOCIDE. heres how it works
first unwrap your credocide decoy rat.
next, release the decoy into your wall.
the imposter rat will locate the rat nest, and disguise himself as a monotheistic supreme being.
he will share his teachings of love and charity by preaching a gospel in opposition to rat law.
he will then be executed and re-born.
causing rats everywhere to pray to him.
as the christian rat develps a following, simply insert a second decoy rat into a different part of your home.
it will find another group of rats and claim to have transcribed the literal word of God.
Eager to worship the one true rat god, the rats will submit to Shari'a, or the Way.
At this point, the christian rats will get wind of the near by group of rats who has not yet heard the word of their lord.
they will invite the Muslim rats to worship the rat Christ.
The muslim rats will reject their offer and the christian rats will attack in order to reclaim the holy land and convert the muslim rats. (chopping sword noises)
The muslim rats will respond with a series of geurilla attacks to weaken the christian rats' resolve.
This will unite an epic holy war in your walls that should last for about 72 hours or untill your home is 100% rat-free.
'My rodent problem is over and plus i can feel good knowing that my rats are dying for something they believe in.'
Creedocide. harness the power...of religion."

i find this commercial parady especially fitting for tonight because i just got back from hebrew school. our teacher asked us, how did jesus get his name. zoe (hilarious friend of mine) said:
"maybe one day his mother got really annoyed with him and said, 'Jesus christ!-hey, that would be a great nickname for you."
lol. and with that i say good night. <3

xoxo Gossip Girl.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

BFF Sarah

sarah is my BFF and she is awesome! <3
shes in my leadership class and shes amzn tehe <3

xoxo Gossip Girl

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My trip to JCA

i already told my mother this so i have the nerve to blog about it.
background: i go to temple. every year they have a retreat to camp JCA Shalom, a jewish summer camp in Malibu. this year, the sixth and seventh graders went back in November and the fourth fifth eighth and ninth graders went this weekend. i was very sad at first that the sevies werent going to be there, but i knew i would hav celine and jade. everyone left friday afternoon and got back sunday afternoon. i had a play to do called Americana on friday night so i drove up early Saturday morning.

6 am Saturday
my mother wakes me up singing her wake up song. i dont wanna get up. i refuse. eventually i get out of bed and into the car with my ipod at 645. we go to starbucks. easy. we go to jack in the box. they take forever. apparently they turned off their oven. what do they think 24 hours means?! by 730 we were far on our way and quickly drove up a mountain.

830 i arrive at JCA under the impression that breakfast for eighth and ninth graders is served at 845. i quickly learned from the man at the office that fourth and fifth graders wake up at 8 and eat breakfast at 845 and eighth and ninth graders wake up at nine and eat breakfast at 945. well i went to my cabin with my ipod hoping to take a quick nap and surprise my cabinmates. they were already awake and our counselor rose was yelling at them for something. i soon learned that these were the names of my cabin mates. i hav grouped them by the cliques they were in on the first day:
sara w and celine, loners
sarah s and sierra, bffs who like boys
maegan and alyssa, bffs who are quiet
eilleen and ellen and emily and jade and reine, bffs that are loud and laf a lot
nina and rose, counselors (rose = strict, nina = funnnnn)

930 were out to breakfast and celine and i create our new little clique :P our counselors made a great effort to get us to mingle with the boys' cabins. sierra and sara and sarah didnt hav any problem with this bcuz they <3 boys. they were sitting next to us talking to a buncha guys about meeting up tonight. yea right, everyone talks about it, but no one actually does it... :P
10-ish breakfast is over and we find out we will be spending the day with one of the boys' cabins. we first go to morning services and then we learn about organic-ness and ecofriendli-ness. some groups (not me) made public service announcements and filmed them. the psa'a are on the camps website or should be soon and ill post them if i can. :D we then went to a "yurk" or sumthing like that and played some lame-o games.
12-ish lunch. cold cuts, ewww.
after lunch ropes course. it was fun at first and celine and i did this partner vine walk that was super coolio. then it started pouring rain and we hid under a roof thingy. :P after we (not me) played in the rain a little bit, we had to run back to our cabins. (the ropes course was right next to the boys' cabin, but on the other side of camp from ours D:) we ran back for some free time before we went to this big room to make pizza for dinner. we ate the pizza and then went over to the dining hall for havdalah services. after services with the fifth and fourth graders they had to go to bed. the counselors waited a little before they told us that we got to have a dance :D everyone went back to their cabins to get "spruced up". i put on my lakers colors williams college pj pants, hiking uggs, and celines shirt she wore to her bat mitzva party :P

late, we were at our dance/party thing having a great time. rose came over to jade and sarah and me and sed "not so much touching guys. we're at a jewish school retreat," to which we replied, "you should see us at bat mitzvahs!" :D

1020 we get back to our cabin and im super tired from waking up early that morning. everyone goes to the bathroom to brush their teeth and i was really fast and came back and got in bed quickly.

1040, other girls finally come back from the bathroom. rose is pissed off. i pretend to be asleep so i dont hav to hear her get pissed off.

11, our counselors go to their nightly meetings to talk about the events of the following day and celine quickly falls asleep. sarah and sierra and reine begin texting the guys we hung out with all day to arrange to meet up in the night. the guys wanna go to the baseball field, but we start to doubt the idea of leaving and tell them to just come to our cabin.

1130, sarah aka ashley from the other 8/9 grader girl cabin comes to our cabin. nobody thinks anything of it and we are all having a wonderful time unitll three people burst through our doors with flashlights screaming,
we quickly get back to our own beds and "ashley" hides in sarah's bunk. we ask the counselors who we've realized are rose (our counselor), hayden (the boys' counselor) and some other random girl, whats going on.
rose informs us that the boys were cought sneaking over to our cabin and they needed to make sure we were all still here.
then "ashley" asks to go to the bathroom and leaves. jade says she also has to go but rose tells her to wait untill the first girl gets back.
then another counselor comes running in yelline "THERES ONE GIRL MISSING FROM THE OTHER CABIN!"
we know its ashley and wait for all the counselors to leave. one theyre gone, everyone is talking about how guilty they feel for making the guys come.
then the counselors come back thinking ashley is in our cabin. they shine the light on everyones bed asking "is someone in here whos not supposed to be in here?" we say no because, honestly, shes not...
the counselors leave and i wake up celine to tell her what just happened.

12 sunday, we see ashley walking back from the bathroom and going into her cabin. jade finally gets to leave after we all teased her that ashleys never coming back. she really never did come back. she goes out to the bathroom again and we see counselors yelling at her. then she goes back to her cabin. a car comes to the place the counselors are standing not too close to our cabin cuz we're at the top of a hill. im not sure where but i some point in all of this rose came in and said this:
"i dont care what any boy tells you. Do not leave this cabin! they could be out in the mountains right now and that is dangerous. im so proud of you all that youre all here, but i was very scared."
that just made us feel super guilty cuz it was kinda our fault even if we didnt go.

1215, we find a way to make this all funny. eilleen laughs like a duck and its hilarious. we make so many jokes about it and are so loud, but i assume that the counselors didnt care about us lafffing just a little too loud. :P somehow sarah and sierra fall asleep in all the lafter.
1230, some ppl get annoyed and wanna go to bed.

1, everyone has stopped yelling shut up to ppl and giggling and i fall asleep.

2 (according to sara), rose and nina come back and dont even look at anyone.

830 we all wake up and rose tells us, "you are not taking showers this morning! yesterday it took you an hour. boys will not like you any less... youre going home today, take a shower at home."

930 breakfast. every boy who was caught has a different story to tell. one guy says the got all the way to the bridge, another says to the ball field. one boy told me he came all the way to the girls cabins and then went back for his friends.
Hayden told us they were caught at the dining hall. thats the furthest any boy has ever gotten before getting caught at Camp JCA Shalom.

after breakfast, boring crap. btw our new cabin cliques: everyone, bff's with plans to ang out in the future. <3

lunch, sad good byes. watch PSAs about eco kashrut... hilarious!!!! they were sooo amazing!!!!
after lunch, busride home :'(
get home: one of the boys caught sneaking out was the cantors son. we all got to watch him tell his dad. and then his """friend"""~~~~~~~~ ( <3 <3 <3 ) walks bye and says "bye david" to which the cantor replies "bye sara. i heard david got caught trying to sneak into your room." sara turned bright red.

later tonight i went to a fondue resturant with my fam and celine my dads birthday. celine wanted to play a game where each person says one word and you go back and forth and make a sentence. heres my favorite one:
me: celine
celine: likes
me: boys
celine: with
isabella (screaming) (interrupting us) :GOOD BEHAVIOR!!!!
(btw, this all actually ahppened. ik!)

xoxo Gossip Girl

Friday, January 30, 2009

Daily Adventures

Today during Latin class tori told me to go to baja fresh after school because she had to hand out fliers for emeralds. well, i went with katie and tori was not there.
instead kaitlin and kendall and faith and sum other ppl. and nick ted and duffy were there 2...
well kt and i got some fliers and then headed over to blenders. kt was saying "all of them hate me" and i sed "only that one hates me" (pointing to kaitlin) and kaitlin dutcher ses "yep" and walks away.
we went to blenders and then came back towards macys. we were sitting on a bench bored and i took a pic of us with my fone. (i feel the need to document my life =] ) and kt saw the pic and sed "my hair is all ruined" and proceeded to run her fingers through her fire red bangs. then she looked up and realized ted and nick and duffy were standing staring at us. kt was like " long hav they been standing there?"
then duffy was like "what are u doing?" (cuz kt looked really funny trying to fix her hair.)
then duffy and kt were tlking bout some time wen duffy gave kt a black eye with a tennis racket or tennis ball or sumthing. then they left and kt and i wanted to go to see's. well we noticed they were in there and we didnt really feel like tlking to them... =P but then we saw matthew and daniel at panda express and went to tlk to them instead. after we were done tlking to them we went to see's and a buncha the emeralds and ppl's were staring at us thru the window. kt bought her chocalate and then i went back towards baja fresh. i asked this girl for a flier but she wudnt give me one =[ i asked her what her name was and she sed danielle. turns out she was my friend a long time ago. then we left and i sed "nice to meet ya"

then we went home...gooood times =P

xoxo Gossip Girl

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Dont Choose the Questions

So there's this thing on facebook caled "Compare People" and i get compared A LOT! these are some of my results. please note, when reading, remember that i do not choose the questions or persuade ppl to vote for me and their votes are anonymus. it also shows me whom i won or lost against.

  1. who is better at science? me

  2. Who studies harder? not me

  3. Who can drink more? me (whoever put this is my hero <3)

  4. Who is a better friend? not me

  5. Who is a better dancer? not me

  6. Who is a better dancer? me

  7. Who is better at science? me

  8. Who is a harder worker? me

  9. Who is a better dancer?not me

  10. Who would I rather hang out with for a day? not me (they were obviously joking because i am AMAZING)

  11. Who is smarter? me

  12. Who is more likely to win in a fight? not me

  13. Who is more likely to do a favor for me? not me

  14. Who is a better friend? not me

  15. Who is more entertaining? not me

  16. Who is braver? not me

  17. Who has better taste in music? not me

  18. Who is more punctual? not me
  19. Who is more fashionable? me
  20. Who is a better singer? not me
  21. Who would I rather travel with? not me
  22. Who is braver? me
  23. Who would I rather have dinner with? me
  24. Who has a better sense of humor? me
  25. Who is a better friend? not me
  26. Who is more popular? not me
  27. Who would I rather travel with? me

Thats the end. Dont worry, there will always be more. <3

xoxo Gossip Girl

Saturday, January 24, 2009

My Mother Thinks This is Hilarious, But This Is the Fifth Time I've Told This Story going to tell it anyway, because itll b the first time u all have heard it...
i was in the lunch line and there were three girls behind me...these r not the smartest girls at skool...if u know what i mean. <3 well girl 1 was explaining to girls 2 and 3 that chicken of the sea is not actually chicken.
here's how the conversation went:
girl 1: its called chicken of the sea because...u know how chicken is like popular like on earth? well tuna is popular in the sea.
girl 2: ohhhhh... like with the little fishies
girl 3: what about shrimp?
girl 1: i dont know.
girl 2: i have a shirt that ses 'is this chicken or is this shrimp?' and i finally get it!
girl 3: yea. this has confused me for soooo long.


xoxo Gossip Girl

Flapper Dress Shopping

So i have to do the charleston for americana and i need to wear a 1920's flapper dress. the other day i bought my nylons and fishnets. i <3 fishnets. almost more than i love america. fishnets r sooooooo cool. i was dancing around my house in them... because thats what i do... and my mother said "dont they make u feel sexy?" hmmmmm...akward... or howevr u spell it =D
my nylons are really cool, too. i wore them to dance practice this morning and no one noticed i was wearing them untill they looked closely. when i wear them, i look really tan. haha <3 its cool. it even almost looks like a natural tan. =]
after dance practice today i went to get my costume(s). first i went to alfa thrift store and got this cute green shirt, ugly black skirt, and shall for my slave costume. then i went to vistorian vogue and tried on three flapper dresses. the first was orange. it was a little too long and orange is sooooooo not my color. well, maybe in like a tee-shirt, but not on a dress...then i tried on this hot pink one that was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too wide, and wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to short. the straps were also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to long. who wears that type o thing? idk, but not me =D lastly i tried on this red one that was PERFECT!!!!! its low cut (<3) just short enuf for me to do my kicks, and really red and fringey! <3 <3 <3 i love it soooooo much. i also got this cooool black headband and a BIG red feather to put in it. <3 <3 <3 it will loook sooooo gr8 with my fishnets <3

xoxo Gossip Girl

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I hope this helps you to understand

Today is very exciting. now u all know why i dont care much for new years, this is much more exciting. now the year has truely started. i also love a school day where all i do is watch the president give a speech on tv and watch him get out of a car. im exillerated (is thast a word) but i still have dance practice tomorow. ugh, whatevr.

heres my line 4 americana (yeeeaaahhh, i memorized it, cuz im that cool):
"and now as we look back , we remember the peoples who, throughout our history, have something something lives something something ...o crap, i forgot, ugh, il work on it <3

xo Sarah

xoxo Gossip Girl <3 <3 <3


Do you ever do something and then totally wish you hadnt?
For example, I was in English and i was on crutches and i asked some girl to carry something for me. she said no because she had to go somewhere else. then ms christensen came up and said, here sarah ill take it and then i felt very bad for the girl i had originally asked because i made her look like a bad person.
Also, I got a chain text message and thought it was the coolest thing ever so i sent it to a buncha my friends. later i realized what a rude message it was and to anyone who replied, i appologized. =]
i cant think of any other examples, but if u would like to share please comment below.

xo Sarah

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Day

I woke up this morning at aproximately 830 am. i quickly realized i was at caroline's house and marisa and caroline were next to me texting. alexa was next to them playing dance dance revolution on her ipod touch. and sarah...o sarah...sarah was sleeping.
l8r i came home from caroline's house and did my homework and such...ya kno, normal stuff...
after that, i rode my bike over to my sisters house to go swimming with my nieces. on my way, i saw sabrina and jesse walking and sabrina sed "sarah can u help us? how do we get home?" haha i told her and then i kept riding. after that i saw some sevie boys and they were just sitting on their front lawn tlking. i didnt realize who they were untill after i left, but i think they were my friends.
when i went swimming, we realized that isabella was wearing a bathing suit that was wayyyyy to small on her and sophia was wearing one of isabella's bathing suits, a size 6. lollz
then i started heading home, but i got a call from celine saying i shud come to la cumbre with her and eric and jaycee and joe. well, i went to la cumbre and no one was there. but then i found them and the guys had to go home.
after that celine and i went back to her dads house to go swimmin. the pool however was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing! like crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ice cold!!!!!!!!!! i jumped in once and then i had to get out!
then eric and jaycee showed up to come swimming with us. well, eric got pushed in the pool by jaycee and quickly realized that it was NOT heated. lol. then i jumped in again and then they left and then they came back and then they left again...
then i went back to celines dads apartment with her and we watched the zoey 101 marathon. lol. that show is my life. haha. but i nevr watch. its so awesome tho. it makes me wanna go to boarding skool. in fact, theres a boarding skool on the coast of l.a. hmmmmmm... i even think thats the one that the show is based on. haha
then i came home and now i am blogging and doing my laundry and making my dinner. multitasker!!! =D

xo Sarah

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kanye Time: Good Life, Stronger, Flashing Lights

Welcome to the good life. The good life, let's go on a living spree. Shit, they say the best things in life are free. Do it faster, makes us stronger. 'Cause I can't wait much longer. Act like you can't tell who made this new gospel. Homey take six and take this, Haters. I'm trippin' I'm caught up in the moment right? Don't act like I never told you. She don't believe in shooting stars. Man, why can't life always be this easy? And if somebody woulda told me a month ago. Haters give me them salty looks. Let 'em hate. Work it harder, make it better. Do it better, makes us stronger. 50 told me go 'head switch the style up. And if they hate then let 'em hate and watch the money pile up, the good life.

xo Sarah

Friday, January 9, 2009

My Life the Musical

okay, so im doing this new thing where i blog using only song lyrice. trust me, this is the first of many...

this weeks three songs : gives u hell, clumsy, and pork and beans:

i wake up every evening, with a big smile on my face and it never feels out of place. You'd hate for the kids to think you've lost your cool. Now you'll never see what you've done to me. You can take back your memories. They'reno good to me. You've got me trippin' stumblin' trippin' fumblin' can't help it. Then you're the fool. I'm just as well. I ain't got a thing to prove to you. Everyone likes to dance to a happy song with a catchy chorus and beat so they can sing along. Play it cool but i knew you knew.

i don't give a hoot about what you think. Hope it gives you hell...

ok. there it is. my first edition. i hopw you like it. clumsy was a tricky song because its all about love but gives you hell was a good one. pork and beans however was the best because it was random things that i wud ttly say.

xo Sarah

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Love em or hate em. They're there. here are my thoughts about my teachers. i tried to put at least one good thing and one bad thing about each one. =]


There. If u read that whole thing. you are pretty cool. Haha . i took the teachers names out of it, but they're not hard to figure out. =P aCTUALLY, I Took evrything out of it. lollz. i decided it was a bad idea to tash my teachers on the internet. =]

Speaking of reading, Tracy loved ur latest post, its ttly u. haha. just kidding, u usually dont look drunk. =D

Right now I'm watching football and it is just so interesting. ugh. when im doe reading this i'm going to another room so i can watch mtv. lol =P

on the last day of school before winter break, ms. brown told our class to ask santa clause for a one subject notebook with graph paper i it. i realized today that the hannukah fairy forgot to bring it to me. =[ so i went to staples but i just cudnt find one. i thot i cud just tell ms. brown that santa didnt come this year or he gave me coal or i dont celebrate xmas and thats y i dont have the notebook. all of those r lies btw. but i didnt cuz i finally found one. =D

luv u all
xo Sarah