Wednesday, December 31, 2008


its very exciting! actually right now im watching a car be auctioned off very quickly. the auctioneer sounds like he's singing bcuz he's going so fast! hahaha. ok, now its new years and this is actually exciting. ryan seacrest just sed "we're going to do all sorts of exciting things here in time square like count backwards!" lol.

oooo. this is my new acronym my friend showed me:
well. u can find many common acronyms in thins: omfg, rotfl, mao( my ass off, that one's not so common) and wy is with you.

so if u put it 2gether its
oh my friggin god roll on the floor laughing my ass off with you.

thats how I say lol. haha
ok. now i bid u adoooooo. i hope you have a merry holly jolly happy exciting extatic wonderful year! if u can think of more adjectives that are good feel free to imagine that i wrote it in the previous sentence. =]

i love you all!

xo Sarah
^.^ :-)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So this is my final post of 2008

the year has come to an end. i actually dont see what the big deal is about 2009. i mean nothing will change for me except that i will be writing the wrong date on everything for a while. really more will change for me when the school year is over. idk, iguess its like, whoo 2009! we're one year closer to the end of the world. im going to make an end of 2008/beginning of 2009 poll. pleez vote in it. i know some of u only read these posts in emails. pleez click on "sarah" below or go online to to cast your vote. ill see you all next year! btw, i plan to post a messge at exactly 1201 on january 1 2009 saying something really cool, i havent decided what. but i think ill think of something by the time january 1 rolls around. ok thank you!
i love you all babycakes

xoxo Sarah

Hamlet 2

So I was watching hamlet 2 with my parents and we actually made it to the end without taking out the movie and throwing it away. At one point my dad suggested it, but we convinced him it would get better. It never did, but I got to watch the whole movie. it wasnt as funny as i had hoped but it had a few good jokes. im not going to quote the movie because this is a family friendly website.
now im watching the best movie ever SYDNEY WHITE !!!!!
quote: "There is no way that a pirate is cooler than a ninja!"
"Ninja's live like monks. Pirates get bootay. End of discussion"
"I think we can all agree that a pirate ninja would be like the coolest thing ever. "

haha. This is a great movie. lol =]

Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Day in LA

So, I went to Los Angeles and it was really fun.
Here are a few funny things that happened:
  1. we were driving through along streets named capri and san remo. lol there was also a street named sunset but evry town has one of those. (=]).
  2. We went to this great Vegan resturant and ordered these awesome nachos. They were so huge that my dad ate the with a fork. This was very funny. i also discovered my love for spinach linguine. It is delicious.
  3. We brought Annie some xmas presents and one of them was a shirt from Tracy that i ttly want right now. It said: "Dwight Schrute is my sensai." It also has a big picture of dwight. hahaha.
  4. We went to Circuit City and my dad spent the whole time talking to some guy about getting a high definition television. Ya right...That'll never happen...hmmmm...

So it was ya, really fun...


o right. Polls have closed and people have decided that the chicken crossed the road to meet with a girl chicken and have dinnner at a vegetarian resturant. lol. u guys are gr8...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Yes, I'm Jewish, but I can say it anyway. hahaha. what now!?
o, here's a christmas chain mail that ttly made me lol:
LOL isnt this funny!!!!! hahahaha. g2g. byeas

have a holly jolly christmas!!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I Got This in An Email And I Thik It's Hilarious

Some of you may not get some of them, but they're funny anyway. lolol

The Difference between Christmas an Hannukah:
Now, if anyone asks you what the difference is between Christmas and Chanukah you will know what and how to answer!
1. Christmas is one day, same day every year, December 25. Jews also love December 25th. It's another paid day off work. They go to the movies and out for Chinese food and Israeli dancing. Chanukah is 8 days. It starts the evening of the 25th of Kislev, whenever that falls. No one is ever sure. Jews never know until a non-Jewish friend asks when Chanukah starts, forcing them to consult a calendar so they don't look like idiots. They all have the same calendar, provided free with a donation from the World Jewish Congress, the kosher butcher or the local Sinai Memorial Chapel (especially in Florida) or other Jewish funeral home.

2. Christmas is a major holiday. Chanukah is a minor holiday with the same theme as most Jewish holidays. “They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat. “

3. Christians get wonderful presents such as jewelry, perfume, stereos, etc. Jews get practical presents such as underwear, socks or the collected works of the Rambam, which looks impressive on the bookshelf.

4. There is only one way to spell Christmas No one can decide how to spell Chanukah, Chanukkah, Chanukka, Channukah, Hanukah, Hannukah, etc.

5. Christmas is a time of great pressure for husbands and boyfriends. Their partners expect special gifts. Jewish men are relieved of that burden. No one expects a diamond ring on Chanukah.

6. Christmas brings enormous electric bills. Candles are used for Chanukah. Not only are Jews spared enormous electric bills, but they get to feel good about not contributing to the energy crisis.

7. Christmas carols are beautiful...Silent Night, Come All Ye Faithful. Chanukah songs are about dreidels made from clay or having a party and dancing the hora. Of course, Jews are secretly pleased that many of the beautiful carols were composed and written by their tribal brethren. And don't Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond sing them beautifully?

8. A home preparing for Christmas smells wonderful. The sweet smell of cookies and cakes baking. Happy people are gathered around in festive moods. A home preparing for Chanukah smells of oil, potatoes and onions. The home, as always, is full of loud people all talking at once.

9. Christian women have fun baking Christmas cookies. Jewish women burn their eyes and cut their hands grating potatoes and onions for latkes on Chanukah. Another reminder of our suffering through the ages.

10. Parents deliver presents to their children during Christmas. Jewish parents have no qualms about withholding a gift on any of the eight nights.

11. The players in the Christmas story have easy to pronounce names such as Mary, Joseph and Jesus. The players in the Chanukah story are Anntiochus, Judah Maccabee and Mattathias; whatever. No one can spell it or pronounce it. On the plus side, Jews can tell their friends anything and they believe they are wonderfully versed in their history.

12. Many Christians believe in the virgin birth. Jews think, "Yossela, Bubela, snap out of it. Your woman is pregnant, you didn't sleep with her, and now you want to blame God? Here's the number of my shrink".

13. In recent years, Christmas has become more and more commercialized. The same holds true for Chanukah, even though it is a minor holiday. It makes sense. How could the Jews market a major holiday such as Yom Kippur? Forget about celebrating. Think observing. Come to synagogue, starve yourself for 27 hours, become one with your dehydrated soul, beat your chest, confess your sins, a guaranteed good time for you and your family. Tickets a mere $200 per person. Better stick with Chanukah!

lol wasn't this hilarious! well, some of it. whatevr. merry holidays!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Polls Closing In Two Days: Not much time left to vote!

So I had a big day today. At first I was gonna go to the mall to hang out with Ryan but then a buncha other people wanted to come and then some couldn't come and then they could and eventually it was gonna be me going to the mall with Jor and meeting Austin and then meeting Ryan and Elijah and then Celine came and then Jor left and then Cody came and Ryan and Elijah left. Well, it was fun and we had a gr8 time. I got this adorable new jacket with my Pac Sun gift card from my Bat Mitzvah. It's white with random blue lines all over it. It also says, "Famous Stars and Straps" on the pocket. I know! adorable!!! Well, it was really fun and i had a gr8 time with all my friends.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Parker's Bar Mitzvah

So this morning was perker's bar mitzvah. i ont know him that well, but he's friens with hannah and celine and tanner and others... he has come to services evry saturday these past two months to fit in his seven services requirement before his bm.
i go 2 services evry saturday morning and he had been there almost evry week. i also noticed that he came to the november bat mitzvahs.
(vanessa, ellen, celine, me)so he came to mine and i wasnt ma or anything cuz technically, evry1 in the congregation is invited to evry saturday morning service. he didnt come to my party tho. i was planning on going 2 services 2day anyway but sometimes im not able to make it. last week ,tho, his mo and my mom were talking and she sed that it wud b good if we came to parker's bar mitzvah. i wanted to go 2, cuz a buncha my friends were going cuz he's a sevie and they're sevies. It was cool seeing my friends during winte break and celine and hanah and tanner were there 2! (cuz they're his i sed) it was cool and he had a band at his luncheon so that wuz fun...
he has some party 2nite but im not going. it starts at 8, so it'll probly b cool, but whatevr. my rents also have a christmas party to go 2.

some background: one day celine an i were leaving sunday school. jared's mom, sheeba was picking him up and she only knew celine, not me. (=P) she asked celine, "oh, is this your babysitter?" lol! celine and i r like besties and she's 6 months older than me. she got very unhappy about it and yelled at sheeba about how she was older and blah blah blah... jared thot it was funny and so did his brother eli. now, this happened a long time ago, but at services one year 4 the high holy days, i walked by eli and he saw me and sed, "you're the babysitter!" ya, he didnt forget.

so today, my parents have their party and they want me to invite a friend over. of course i forgot and knew wud call some1 at the last minute. duh...=] but 2day at lunch my mom asked celine if she wanted to "babysit me 2nite". it was kinda a joke like thing, but celine was super excited. i guess its funny how i was "the babysitter" and now...she's babysitting me. goood times...
whatevr, she's gonna pass out on my couch anyway, lol


Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Break

Wooooooo! its winter break! aka chritmas break to the majority of the people. or hannukah break to those special ones (like me!). or kwanza break to... well, im sure someone thinks of it like that. we cuz call it holiday break at school but some people are extremely unreligious. mr. odonell likes to call it "Particple Break". he thinks that the meaning og like and the meaning of christmas is participles. "I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause" lol whatevr.

That's hot...

Last year: Hannah montana took the school by stormed with her coture scarf, her fabulous hair and her complete awesomeness. She radiated greatness and awesomeness and evry1 who saw her was mesmerized by her famousness.

yes, Last year i went as hannah montana for twin day. katie and i have different color hair so we wore hannah montana wigs. i was in the yearbook with that wig on 4 times. ok, maybe only 3.. but still it was cool. This year, katie and i knew we had 2 b even better. And, we wanted to wear something cute and not look like losers like last year. (lol loooooooosers) (insider) (1 <3 insiders)
katie suggested miniskirts and white shirts for this year. of course, as some of you may remember: 4 halloween this year i wore a pirate hat, a white shirt and a black miniskirt. I didnt want this to b my only costume; as cute as it was. if i wore that 4 twin day, it wud b like i wear the same otfit 4 evrything and just acerize it differently. o right, the outfit also includes these fabulous black srunched leather boots i got at payless that i wear as often as i can. =] so i love this outfit 4 2 reasons:
1) i love wearing skirts. its really fun. idk y, it just is.
2) ms thompson and ms brown tried 2 dresscode me (the rule is that ur shorts or skirt has to be longer than the tip of your middle finger) the slkirt looks really short cuz the boots have heels and make my legs look long. here's what happened on halloween
ms. thompson: "ummmm, miss... ur skirt might b a little too short. "
Me: "No no no! lok! look! look!" (i put my hands down and show her that my skirt is long enuf)
Ms. thompson (impressed): "you're perfect. "

Yes! those are the 2 reasons y i love that skirt and shoes and shirt outfit.

As u may know, the recent weather has not exactly been "summer-like" . i miss summer so much. i hate homework. anyway, it wasnt supposed 2 rain on friday, but it had been freezing evry other day so we decided to wear skinny jeans. which i also love. they ended up looking really good with my boots.

Katie and i went this year as...
PARIS HILTON!!! we were hot!!!

the rest of the school was ttly jealous of our awesomeness. i wore my hannah montana wig and kt just left her hair bcuz its looking really blonde rite now. we wore white tshirts that we had written "that's hot" on. this is like paris's catch phrase. i think she coined it but i dont know. she always se it and there's a whole line of clothing devoted to it. yes, they make whirts that say thats hot in big letters on them. (I also liked the shirt brittney spears and others had that sed, "obama is my home boy" i really want 1. gasp, hannukah is coming up. i wonder what i will get...*hinhint* lolol jkjk) we wore dark skinny jeans and leather boots. we also had BIG sunglasses from wet seal and hoops.
in first period, ms conway came in, who shares the room with my geometry teacher., and she sed "are u brittney" . i shook my head and sed "Paris"
"ohhh" she sed "i wonde which one wud b more upset if u thot they were the other. " lol, ms conway is funny. jordan ses she is always telling the class about her dates and jordan told her "ms. conway, if u get married. dont change ur name. cuz we're not good with names. " lol jor's funnay.

so, paris hilton was awesome and got tons! of compliments. it was fun. i found out who my true friends were cuz the recognized me without seeing my hair or my eyes (very well). these r the ones who knew immediatley:
katie( of course)
and some others. i was a little surprised.
it was really fun and a buncha peepl told me i looked goo as a blonde and this one guy (not gonna say his name) sed "wow sarah. u look really good blonde"
Ahhhhh! he thot i looked good. it ttly like made my day. kinda. and some other stuff. like evry1 loving the buckeyes my mother prepared. at the end of the day, i had 2 go to p.e. and take evry thing off. i cudnt wear my wig.. boohoo. after school when i changed back into my clothes, i didnt want to put the wig back on, so i just had my fierce heeled boots, my awesome shirt, my awesome sunglasses, and my awesome earrings. i got 2 take pictures for the yearbook and ill put some on facebook l8r.

xoxo Paris

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Astrocamp Memories. Ahhhhh.

So when i was at astrocamp we had an ugly counselor contest. the winner was emo carl or something. the contest was ttly set and arranged b4, but it was still funny. his final words wen excepting his award :
"if life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?"
it was awesomely halarious.

so then i was watching madtv 2day. they had some christmas (never channukah!) special where they showed all these christmas skits from past years. one of them was emo elmo. if you leave him alone to long, he startss cutting his arms. it wa reely funny. he had these emo quotes and one of them from last year was:
"if life is so fair, why do roses have thorns?"
i ttly freaked out when i heard this! my parents thot something was rong so i explained it to them. they didnt think it was that cool so maybe u wont either. =[. whatevr i just had 2 write about it.

right now, im watching saturday night live. hugh laurie(house)(duh!) wa the host. he has such a heavy british accent, it's cute! i had no idea. u can never tell on house. there are some girlls from "the bronx" interviewing him for some sketch. they're saying (in a new york accent):
"i wish we had accents. =[ hey, say something in British. "

its funny.

now house is singing silent night. g2g. byeas.


The Nutcracker at the Arlington

I went to see the nutcracker 2day cuz a buncha my friends were in it. it wasnt that bad. =] evry1 did a really good job. i found out that i was in a ballet class with courtney jade vanessa aryanna olivia and some others. when i ws 3 and 4 my class was called "creative movement". yes... 4 real. when i wa 5 it was real ballet.
i told isabella i used 2 be a ballerina and she sed," wow, so u can wear toe-shoes now!". she thinks im still a ballerina. i had 2 explain 2 her that i stopped dancing. she was dissapointed cuz she wanted me 2 b her ballet role model or something like that. she loves 2 dance.

im gonna leave now. ok...

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Walk Home

You would think it wouldn't be that interesting, but... here it goes.
I started walking on harold out the back of the school. i took the scenic route through brenner and down willlowglen. i was uessing that graham and max wud b hanging out outside my house. b4 i got home tho, i saw like 8 sevey boys on grove playing "invisible rope" in the street. i went to hang with them nd well... we hung out (kinda). then l8r we went to joe's house and i ended up leaving. thats my story. there's kinda more but im not gonna wwrite it. =]

g2g. im playing scrabble with paige on the internet.

hi again

Im watching drillbit tailor. like, the lamest movie evr. it really sux, but im watching it anyway. peepl r sliding on the ground cuz there was a fire alarm and the ground is covered with water. it looks like a lot of fun.

dr. illbit. lol, actually, this isnt relly that funny.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

im not anorexic.

hey its me. y aknow, me. so shayna and alyssa. there's no competition and im not using u. i just want to havve lots of friends bcuz that way, wen i want to hang out with someone i dont just call the same person repeatedly. i hope you accept my appology and i luv u all!

i got my laptop! g2g. hebrew school! yah! =[
byeas. i hope you have a pleseantly fun day.

btw, who saw that english video?! lol. it was awesome. i'll ttly quote it l8r.


Saturday, December 6, 2008


Sry its all in really big writing! i dont know how to turn it off. =[. whatevr, maybe it'll b easier to read 4 some of you.=]

(who else)

My facebook budies

this is jus here cuz its awesome:

If you are a first time blog viewer:



i hope uve enjoyed this and pleeeeeeez vote in my poll.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Who wants to see that...?

I was in PE today and we were playing flag football. Usually I love football, its the flags i hate. =[

i was wearing them low on my shorts cuz i wanted to seem like a straight up G. (lol) all the "bad kids" are in my class and i try to seem like a cool gangster eight grader (yo). hehe my awesome gangsta ness! lolol ( i wonder if gangsters say that. )

Anyway, so i was playing against some boys and some1 passed me the football. i caught it and ran. someone tried to pull my flag. Evry1 yelled at me 2 keep running cuz the guy didnt get my flag. then the next guy tried to get my flag and "accidently" pulled my shorts instead. Eventually, he got my flag off.

i didnt even notice that my pants were lower than before. Some girl came over to me and pointed out that i had been pantsed. omg, sooooo embarassing.

The worst part: i was wearing my pink and purple striped granny panties. greeeeaaaaaatttttt. =[

At least i wore undies! lolol

o right im a gangsta:

yoyoyo. whatta whatta. booyaa.

lol hehe

Sarah <3

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanks for voting in my poll guys. =]

She chose Brittney! thank god! vanessa would just stalk and and try to marry her. paris is so smart. i <3 brittney. she's awesome.

speaking of brittney, who saw her documentary.
Britney Spears:
for the record.

did it talk about kevin? did it talk about her mom? did it talk about jaimie lynne? did it talk about her dad? did it talk about drugs? alcohol? bipolarness?

no no no yes no no no.

well, it was kinda funny.

so now im watching "Barbara Walter's Most fascinating people of 2008 Preimiere"

did u know that sarah palin actually said that she can see russia from alaska? lolol i need that as a bumper sticker. btw, the most common halloween costumes of 2008: sarah palin, indiana jones, angelina jolie, and some lost character, and of corse:


lolol. heha(not like a donkey)(if u think that ur an ass) lol jk

tom cruise is so full of it.

i was tryng to talk to my mom today when she was "working". i made some joke about how "my life is so hard, and nobody listens to or understands my feelings, *tearteartear*."

she sed"you are so full o shit, it's amazing."

thanks mom, i love you 2.=]

i was sick 2day. 4 real this time. i woke up at 7 and was like, what the hell am i doing up this early? then i felt sick and ran to the bathroom so i cud puke in a toilet 3 times. i called my mom who was at work and she forced me to drink seven up. its disgusting! i hate soda! more than i hate food!

anyway, it made me feel better and then i was ttly inspired. i put on white soccer sox and an oversized white shirt. i also threw on my kanye west shutter shades and danced around the house with a remote control in my hand trying to sind. it was kind of risky business, but it was worth 1t.
l8r my mom got home and i asked her to take a picture of my awesome outfit, but she cunt figure out how to work the camera on my fone. i was like, 'fine, ill do it myself.' i danced infront of a mirror and ill show the awesome pics l8r.

yes, this is what i so when im sick and cant go to school cuz i dont want to puke on evry 1.

barbara walters," we are back with the most fascinating persoon of 2008. okay, you guessed it. but who else could we choose besides president elect barack obama."

and with that closing word, i leave u to rest my head pon a white cotton pillow stuffed with feathers from- well, idk where the fluff comes from. poor animals.

i wonder if they make vegan pillows.

ponder this as u sleep.

"Yes we can."

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My Day

life is pretty boring these days. That's why I'm pretty sure u wont care what I have to say. But, here it goes. Here's my usual schedule:

645 am awaken, view the bright shining sunshine and whine untill my mother forces me to go take a shower.

7-715 get an outfit. it takes forvr because i can never decide what to wear and i always say to myself,' today cud be really important and u dont want to risk it by wearing something bad" at the end of the day, i always realize that nobody notice commented or glanced at what i was wearing. in fact nobody glanced at me.

725 pretend to eat breakfast and stash the food when my moms not looking. im never hungry anymore and i hate forcing myself to eat. i hate food. =]

745 finish homework that i told my mother i finished last night. (oops!)
convince her it was n honest mistake.

755 Try to get out of the house but some1 always has to go to he bathroom. its nevr me cuz like i told u, i didnt eat.

815 Get to school. my mother attempts to connect with me on a deep intrapersonal level. doesnt she understand im a teenager. my dad stopped trying.
NOBODY understands me and my needs. wawawa.

820 i finally get out of that car. thank god, 2 much love in there 4 me. her comments as i leave the car:

1. I love you Sarah. (oh god, i try to escape)

2. (she cought me) Make good choices. (this is supposed to be a classic joke. idk where we got it from but i think we were channeling lindsay lohan and her mother, jamie lee curtis, in freaky friday.)(now its just getting old)

and her final comment before she leaves me, hannah's favorite cuz my mom ses it too loud:
3. Pull up your pants!

yes she ses it soooo loud. we had a leadership event and i was getting out of the car. hannah and izzy were sitting there and my mom ttly yelled, "PULL UP YOUR PANTS!" hannah cracked up and so did izzy.

821 Put up flag. try to findsome1 i knew so i wudnt b such a loner.
i always have this fear that 1 day ill nevr find some1 and some gangster will eat me. untill 2moro... hmmmmm.

830 Go to math yawn!!! ms brown attacks us with geometry and locks us i her dungeon untill 919 when the bell saves us from our mathematical death!

920 Get to latin. mr odonnell makes horrible latin joke.
(i.e. how did arnold shwarzenegger get to work? he took the senatoribus! haha. im so funny)
its crazy torture! i cud tell u what senatoribus means but it wud- well, i dont want to risk anything.

1012 go to history! thank god 4 history! it never changes . it never gets harder. u just learn what some people did and when they did it. its like a book. i <3 the revolution!

1105 get out of history. as awesome as it is, the last 5 minutes are horrible. the teacher always runs us to the bell. her clocks are set to a different time each day. ahhhh!
science. *yawn* sit rite in front of teacher next to my bff agnetta. science goes by really fast... thank god.

1158 LUNCH! im always hungry cuz i nevr eat breakfast. then i have some water and my hunger goes away.

1220(ish) leadership. goes by fast. i just stare at ian all day. =]

1247 english. fun, goes fast. easy. yumm!

230 the rest of the school gets to go home, but i get to go to PE yah! =[ i think mr. sprague hates me. whatevr. all that means is that i dont get 1 of those hot-ass bracelets. whatevr

320 torture is ovr!!!!! yah! get home! walk as fast as i can so i dont get eaten. pray until i get home and then want to take a nap.ahhhh...

BUT WAIT!!! when i get home. i get to write thank you notes and do allllllll my homework.=[

630-ish dinner(stash it) hehe pretend to eat. have some water and maybe a brocoli floret. dessert. mayb some mandms(wow, i jst realized how anorexic this post makes me sound. hmmmmmmmmm??????)

1000"bed" ya right. hehe. blog. lol

this is my life. i know that none of u care, but i write for me, so i dont die a mathematical, scientifical, latinal(?), ar PE-ical(?) death. whatevr. i survived today...



hehe g's

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hi danuta. i love danuta.
Yah! danuta!

Not the Martin Luther King kind

So Last night I had a dream.

(I know another on1 rite. =[)

So I had this dream where there was a homecoming dance. I was hanging out with Michelle and Celine and we realized we were late for the dance. I put on my new dress. (will show picture l8r)(or not). it has stripes on top and it is black on the bottom. So we realized we forgot to get dates and had to get some at last minute. First I called Joshy but he was out of town and wasnt going. Then i called matt and he sed yes (hey, it was a dream). We got to the dance and it was ten dollars but i didnt have any money, and shelley only had enuf for her. matt had 15 dollars and let me go in. Then i got lafed at 4 not having a date tho he was just waiting outside. (he's nice like that). Later i went outside to see him and he wasnt there. i came back in and saw him dancing with agnetta! i went over to slap him or something but then there was a bright light and yelling and i woke up.

i realized it was all a dream and i quickly forgave agnetta 4 her slutty bitchiness.


Friday, November 28, 2008

The only thing better than HAIRSPRAY, that's me.

Okay, so to be ttly honest. i have nothing to say. im watching hairspray because my mom really wanted to watch it. but of course right now she's passed out on our couch with her finger in her eye. of course my dad is now ttly into the movie and doesnt want to turn it off.

OMG! zac efron just told nikki blonsky she was too big for him or something like that. now the mean blonde lady is trying to sduce the ugly white guy. she's not doin a very good job, but his wife is about to walk in. omg, i cant watch. its gonna b so sad.

back to my life-

AHHH! she just saw them and now the fat wife who is really john travolta is crying. the mean blonde lady ttly faked it and is a horrible person. now the ugly white dad is sleeping in his store on a bed of whoopie cushions.

the photo strips from my bat mitzvah party were given to us on a cd by the owners of the action photobooth.
CHRISTOPHER WALKIN! thats the name of the ugly white guy who plays the dad.

my mom just woke up and yelled
"im not asleep"
now she's trying to stay awake, but she's doinga horrible job.

so the cd was given to us and i was like" *light bulb*" idea, whatevr u want to call it. a stroke of brilliance. i was gonna put them on facebook so peepl wudnt have to buy them from online.
so when i tried to download them, it wudt work. i looked around online and realized that the were copiwrited and "violated the 'facebook code of conduct'" i was like whatevr, and i tried to print 1. it came out awesome and if i wanted to go to all the trouble i cud print out all of them and scan them.
actually, im pretty sure thats illegal.
ooooooo, im a criminal. sexy, hehe.

now my mother has fallen back asleep and john travolta and christopher walken sang some duet wbout how much they love eachother.
when i saw hairspray on broadway, the mom was also played by a man. he was ttly into the role and handled it very well. the father, on the other hand, was laughing so much that he cud barely sing his song.

oooo, my favorite song is on now.
queen latifah is singing a song that i ttly love about her "knowing where she's been"

whoa! now its nigttime. i should stop writing!

this movie is missing two very important songs

"if i let you leavethe house right now, you'd be fighting whores for cigarrettes. "

ahhhh, i just realized, im watching another amanda bynes movie. i guess thats what i do, blog while im watching movies.

i really should stop.
must stop blogging
ahhhhh! ive been taken over by the man.

"i was at home, practicing my twist on the twist...I can't sleepi can't eat-"
"You cant eat!? Oh, honey, come in I'll make you some pork."

there r some great lines in this movie, I'll just write some more lines. esides, my life is boring and no one wants to read or hear about it. i guess i blog because no one will listen to me talk.

"Life is like getting my big break then laryngitis.[without love]"
"without love, life is like my mother... on a diet"
"always ice cream, never sundaes"

"you guys better brace yourself for a whole lotta ugly coming at you from a never wnding line of stupid"
"So u've met my mom."

thats a great line.
im really ,leaving this time...



"What gives a girl power and punch? Is it poise?Is it punch? no its HAIRSPRAY!"

Coolest moovie evr

so u have to know the background of the story to understand. It was 1 night and my sister celine was sleeping ovr at my house. we went to blockbuster and rented a movie. Sydney White to be exact. This is an awesome movie about amanda bynes who goes to college and tries to join her mom's sorority but doesnt get in. then she goes to this loser house and decides to sign them up to run for president and student council. some complications happn, but at the end, she's the president of the student council at the college (ya, as a freshman) and turns the loser house into an awesome house. Then its the end.
the whole movie is a spoof of cinderella. oops, i mean snow white. wow, i am tired. i shud go to bed. nvm, anyway... she's snow white, has prince charming, an evil bitch, and seven losers.

so celine and i watched the movie and then it wwas only 10, so we didnt have anything left to do.
so, of course, we watched the movie again.
we had had plenty of candy to keep us up all night.
so we watched the movie again, but then we fell asleep so, we went to bed.

the next day, we cud recite evry word of the script and were ttly sick of amanda bynes' face.
my mom was bright and happy at 4 in the morning cuz she went to bed at 830.
we were super drowsy and then she sed
'hey girls, lets watch tht movie we rented last night. what was is called, 'Sydney Whit'"
we were like

so today, (or i guess now its yesterday. wow it is late) was thanksgiving. I do not like thanksgiving. all i ate was green bean casserole and some turkey. then there was a lot of pie and cookies and birthday cake and brownies.

so anyway(wow, i say that a lot) sydney white was on on demand and i hhhaaaddd to watch it. of course, i knew evry word and i know exactly what happened. but the whole time i was like,
"ahhhhh, gooooooood times"

i got kinda sick of it, but my mom realy wanted to watch it so we really had to see the whole thing. then it was ovr and she went to bed and know im supposed to b sleeping so im signing off.

good nite
i love u cody and celine and agnetta and katie and myself and any1 else whom i may have mist.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What now?

I just had my bat mitzvah partee( yes partee, we've been ovr this already and remember im no hoe) and it was super fun. im typing this from cody's laptop which is super fun to type on. she came to my partee and now im at celine's house with her and celine and cody. celine has this pet on myspace and its so fat it wont fit in the room she put it in. the room she put it in, by the way, is a bathroom. cody put all these pictures on myspace of me and her so if ur friends with her check them out. also, he default picture has me in it (im in the back). i look pretty and so does cody. her eyes were all big and pretty in the picture so thats y she likes it. luckily i was in it, so i get to be on her default. =] yah! i feel loved.

at my partee ... nevermind. ive decided not to talk about it. it was fun. i wore this SUPER pretty sky blue halter dress. i also wore these real pearls and my sexy beast(!) tiara. my slideshow was really cute and i could ttly tell that Tracy made it. there were so many pictures of me and her when we lived in the same house and spent a lot of time together.

when we got back to Celine's house e called Cody's bgf(best guy friend) ryan. there were a buncha other guys and one of them was really hot but them he was a 6th grader. then we-

HOLY CRAP! what was that? omg, i think it was the window. some1's outside. mayb it was the wind. probably. g2g, not really but im bored and cody and celine keep telling me im annoying and mean to them. whatevr. who gives a care what they think? wait... they're my bff's so i care. whatevr. o mom, if u read this by 2moro morning, celine and cody want to come to grandma's brunch. is that ok? u probably wont read this, but just in case. ill talk to u 2moro.

ily(i just found out that this means i love you, i used to think it was a friggin flower. oops!)


Thursday, November 20, 2008

What should my new poll be?




i want to know who commented and now im poed! i know one of them was my mothr and im mad idk the othr 1. i wish peepl wud write their names after their comments

Tuesday, November 18, 2008





Monday, November 17, 2008

Partay vs. partee

yes, to those of u that ask. there is a difference. celine had a PARTAY! we were all like "heeeyyyyy!" and the deejay was like, "hhhooo" and etcetcetc.

my partey will be a partee. duh!
we will all be like
"heeeee!" and then "hhhoooo"

and that is y no one's party will b a hoe.

thank you and good nite

Ok, now my last one doesnt make sense

Whatevr if u care to understand me u cannot just speak to me on the web.

i do get lonely when no one comments on my posts or votes in my polls. o ya, and dont forget, u can always post a comment about an idea for a poll.
thnx, and i love u all! even u emily!

- - =]

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm sorry.

She's not a slut. she's really nice. ok, now no one is mad.


katie and will and jared
eli and damien

celine and sasha and jackie

sabrina and maddie


sasha and jackie


will jared and jackie

These r pictures from the temple playground

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Celine's PARTAY!!!

my bff celine sure knows how to throw a party. major drama and dancing and fun!
ok, new guy graph(kind)

beginning of nite:
guy #1: used to be liked by girl#1, likes (or liked, im not sure) girl #3
guy #2: currently liked by girl 1, likes girl 3
guy #3: liked by girl 2, likes ???

girl#1: liked guy 1, but currently likes guy 2
girl #2: likes guy 3, liked by a buncha loser guys
girl #3: likes guy 2

then party party party, drama drama drama...

end of night:
guy #1: lonely and alone, no one likes him, he likes some girl whos not important in my story
guy #2: dating girl 3, made out with her by end of nite, calls himself a man now. unliked by girl 1
guy #3: same

girl #1: likes ??? heart... broken
girl #2: same
girl #3: dating guy 2 and a very nice person

Me: ttly content and not prepared to reveal my second deepest darkest secret (the first being that i am a vampire/werewolf)(i know ur all jealous!) on the internet. so im just happy and glad i survived my third party this week.

my 3 parties:
1)ellens awesome party. so fun! luv ya donna ellen and jadey!
2)leadership dance/party. hot deejay, hot people, hot party!
3) celine's coolio bedulio bat mitzva! it was sooooo much fun!

now, my feet r killing me and i need to go watch snl!


ps. kall me if you have questions about my blog or ur lonely and bared because i like talking. if u r severly pist off, pleez dont kall me, pleez calm down and email me.

luv ya world! and technology!

One Person Voted In My Poll... And it was me.

thats pathetic. im ashamed. boohoo. now im bored. ill write about celine's party, but ill make that a new post.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


pardon my french, but this fire fuckin sux! its horrible. all my friends live around where it is and i am pist off!

i do NOT want to get evacuated because4 i dont want to have to choose what to take, but all my friends have been or are getting evaced. i havent lost power so im writing while i can. the lady on tv is telling me to prepare to lose power so im signing off.


omg, ttl inside joke coming up:
haha. luv ya celine!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Reality Update

rock of love charm school:

best show ever untill...


i cant believe thay actually kicked her off! poor brandi c! i get that they actually want to help the girls, but they have to give peepl some reason to watch the show! i dont know what to do anymore. Im going to watch in case anything happens to my fave girl lacey or that meany brandi m.

paris hilton still has an awesomme show. i heard this quote from her in US mag where she sed that she not that stupid. here's the quote:

"I'm smart and I know what's going on. I can laugh at myself; I'm in on the joke."
Paris Hilton On Playing into her dumb-blonde image

ooooo, so she's dumb on purpose. im sure. idk, i guess its like megan at school. she asks the stupidest questions on purpose so guys will like her. i guess it works. nick ses he likes answering her questions cuz it makes him feel smarter. whatevr. they're both tttly weird anyway

g2g. mayb ill stay up all night. someone call me! i get lonely when im alone
(i didnt get that either?)


Here Are Pictures From Ellen's Party!

Her party was really fun and im really glad i didnt miss it. none of my hebrew school bff's were there, but i think that made it more fun. i think that if my usual academy friends, i wudnt have had as much fun. i also got to make new friends which i ttly love!!!!!!!
People in pics:
me (duh!)
it was really fun! lotsa other peeples were there too.

Ellen's Parteee

Omg ! i just got back from an awesome party! ill post pics l8r

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I figured out how to post pictures!

I really have nothing to say but I want to show pictures. here is a picture of me and my dad in new zealand. Ain't I cute!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Someone voted in my poll!

Thank youto the one person who voted in my poll. (It was probably my mother) I am howevr, pisd that u dont think i will make a good president!
Today at academy (ive removed the names for privacy. The number of *s will show u who the same people r):

* liked ** , but now * likes ***
and *** likes **** and ** likes ***** and ****** likes ******* and i told ***** that * liked ** but now likes *** and i think * knows that i told ***** about * liking ***. o ya and ******** is going to ny!

it makes sanse. here mayb this will make it more clear:

1 liked 2 but now she likes 3
3 likes 4 and 2 likes 5. i told 6 and 2 that 1 liked 2, but now 1 likes 3 and i think 6 or 2 told 1, cuz somehow, 1 knows that i told 6 and 2. 8 is going to ny!

whatevr. mayb if u really want to know u can ask me in person but im not gonna write it online cuz... well whtevr.

in my first hebrew school class there are only 8th graders:
me sarah
hannah r

those were just the people who were there today. our teacher played us "the stickr song" and then she left and her husband just talked to us about israel. Then it was break and tanner had some secret to tell hannah that celine wanted to know and parker was dating some1, then hannah and lacey called jeff and jared tried to jump really high to reach this bar. justin was really depressed and then got more dpressed when jared reached the bar but justin cudnt. I didnt even bother trying to jump ten feet.

finally break was ovr and i went to my jewish music class which is cool, but my teacher hates me. we talked about stuff and then watched a video that happened to be the music video for the song we heard in my first class. these r the people who were in my second class today:

me sarah

our teacher is eli and he dusnt like any1 but ellen hannah and lacey. ok, so almost evry1 but me. the video is on my faceboook page (Sarah Chase) or u can c it on youtube if you search hadag nahash. its in a different language so watch the 1 with subtitles. the song is a compilation of bumper stickers and is called the sticker song. we had to go thru and identify all the different peepl in the video and the ones i remember were pimp, prostitute, slim shady, and guy dressed as a poor religious mother with a baby. o ya, there was also a terrorist and a soldier. qnyway, its like an israeli video. its cool.

there is this one character who has a long dark beard and a black coat, but apparently they drive around in vans with their heads out the sunroofs and music players on their shoulders, gathering peepl to come to some park where they do hippi and zen stuff and ya know, praise god and such.

then hannah was chosen to bring a song 4 next week that she thinks is jewish or israeli. she told eli she wud forget and he was like "whats ur phone #? whats ur email adress?"
she like whispered her email adress to him and he loudly sed" dus blonde hav an e at the end?" we all lafed and it was reely funny.

i found pics from second grade and im gonna go look at them now. i hope they r cute. im so jealous of my sisters bcuz they got to live with the wonderful ball of jaoy and happiness that s me. i found a video where tracy recorded me lifteing my head and wrote these exact words on a sign that she held up next to my face:
"sarah chase 11 days old
book says that babies ussually lift their head after 2 weeks"

i didnt get to appreciate they wonders of me as a baby cuz i was a baby and i didnt under stand

goodbye internet!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


So I looked on facebook and every1 has pictures from halloween. hello!!!! how do u take pics on halloween? i was 2 busy trickortreating to take pictures! what the heck!
O, comment on my poll, its ttly predictable, but vote anyway. i think we know who my vote goes to (lil wayne). o ya and wen i say Sarah (P.) i mean Palin, not the billions of other sarah's i know. i think ill make a list of all of them:

  1. sarah chase
  2. sarah kelmenson
  3. sarah peka
  4. sarah scott
  5. sarah kiefer
  6. sarah nguyen
  7. i dont remember anymore. really sorry if i forgot your name!

celine is sitting on my couch passed out. idk what to do with her.

we went shopping 2day and it was fun but it was also funny. we were coming out of bebe and it was me, celine, and her mom. we were walking towards macy's and sitting in front of angl was lauren underwood, megan burrey, sasha alexander, jordan price, seb, and some others. celine and i were walking behind her mom cuz it was kinda weird to b seen walking with ur mom (or in my case my bff's mom). sasha saw us first and came running up to celine yelling, "saaaaaleeeeeeeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they were hugging and then celine's mom came over and was like, " sasha give me a hug too". celine pushed her out of the way and kept hugging sasha.

seb and his friends were yelling my name but i didnt wanna go ovr there so i just waved and we went into macy's. it was fun, but kinda akward. celine and i walked at least ten feet behind her mom for the rest of the night.

watching best week ever. its so funny! lolol

(laugh out loud out loud)

luv ya world

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sara Jessica Parker

I had one of those dreams last night where u know ur dreaming but u hope ur not cuz that wud mean u actuallly had a ttly awesome party in ur sleep.

anyway, it all started with me staying up late last night cuz i had academy. i got home at 9, ate dinner at 10. and u cant go to bed right after dinner... so i stayed up and watched sex and the city while my mom fell asleep playing solitaire with herself on the computer. so i was thinking about my bat mitzvah party and what to wear and should i go shopping for a dress with celine on sunday etc. i was also busy watching s.j.p. and her 3 friends who nobody really cares about. around 11, i went to bed and stayed up studying my hebrew for my bat mitzvah.

then i fell asleep with my hebrew in my lap, but i woke up around 1230 and put it away. then i fell asleep and had a dream...
so i came home and every1 sed Surprise! and i sed wow! and we partied 4 a long time. i went inside and hung out with sara jessia parker, who had come to my party. every1 was swimming and eating(bad combo) and having a good time. so i was sitting with sjp and she was talking on her cell phone. i decided to take a nap wondering how much fun it will b to go to school and tell every1 how fun it was. then my phone started ringing and i thot oh, some1 will get it. then it rang again and i heard some1 yell Sarah get up and come to your party! i finally got up only to realize that it was all a dream and i was sitting in my bed. i looked over and my phone was next to me with a note that sed
had to go to work early, will call u to get up.
i quickly called my mom and appologized 4 not answering the fone. se was fine and sed it wasnt a big deal. after that i listened to the message she left and they were her saying
Sarah. wake up.
in this aggrivated tone of voice like she was really really mad. now she's here to take me to school and she's fine so i guess ill just go to school.

Moral of the story:
never combine: late night hebrew classes, late night dinner, torah hebrew, and sex in the city.


It must not have been clear, but my last post was about Caroline Burt.

i have a costume! its soooo cute. does any1 have an eyepatch. i think im just going to make one out of like, felt or something.

Hannah Koper is allergic to bees!
it really sux that no one who actually reads this was there so nobody understands how halariously funny that is! whatever. next time u see hannah go up to her and say,
"hannah. you're alergic to bees?"
it will b sooooooooooo funny. especially do it if im standing right there. omg. i can wait.

1 day left to vote in my poll!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Caroline is my new favorite person.

Ah, where to begin with caroline. first of all, she went into her grosss spider filled closet yesterday to get an old halloween costume 4 me. isnt that like the sweetest thing evr or what?
she also posted a lot of comments which u know i love!
o btw. those of u who voted im a ttl flirt (trevs), thats ur problem! actually its good to know. i guess, in some weird way.

pleez post comments with ideas 4 what my next poll shud b, bcuz this one will only stay on my blog un till halloween. in case u didnt know, the current results are :

sometimes: 2 votes, 50%
Ttly: 2 votes 50%

i also know that one of those sometimes votes is my mother who was only saying that to b nice. so the correct results are:

sometimes: 1 vote 33%
ttly: 2 votes 66%

i dont know if any1 is commenting well i write this but if u r thank you! i will post the final results of my poll and my new poll on october 32. i will also have great stories to tell about halloween. i was gonna go with kt cocoa and damien, but instead im going with cleine and jared and jared's friends. maybe its the other was around. id ont really know. but i have so many great memories from last year i cud share...

mayb i shudnt cuz damien and kt and cade and elle and chloe and joe and cody might all get mad. but i will tell u this. we sat around till 1am eating candy, watching that movi accepted (u kow the 1 with justin long, the guy who is the "mac" and jonah hill from superbad) and playing truth or dare. ah, good times.

anyway, i thrive off my memories bcuz i dont remember anything anymore! last week i didnt remember thursday or sunday at all. my life is just so boring! so i need to have fun this halloween or ill die!

o, my mother thinks i shud spell check, but this thing dosent have a spell chack. mayb she cud spell check it herself if it makes it easier for her to understand.

caroline is a wonderful person and my current bff bcuz she's there when i get to school evry morning and quit choir. she is also kind caring funny and thoughtful.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Cody and I used to not be friends. I know *shock* right? Well now we r and we will be 4evr, cuz we're going to highschool 2gether. There's a lot of great stories I could tell but she wud get mad so i will only write a poem:

Cody cody she
never smells like feet cuz she
likes her phone and me

Yah! i wrote a haiku. i was ttly inspired by this poetry book im reading for english class and ive decided to become a poet.

haha. ya right. mayb ill do thot after i become the first woman on pluto, which isnt even a planet.

Speaking of english class, yesterday, we got to imagine what life will be like in the future!

it was lame but then we read this story about a house that ended up dying, yes the house dies, and it was really sad bcuz there were a few lines in the story about this dog and then it just fell over and died. it was really sad.

cody is a wonderful person and has a lot of cute clothes whic she leaves at my house so they can become my clothes.

wth?(what the heck?)

Yah People Voted In My Poll!

I dont know who voted tho, but im guessing they were some of my ttly flirty friends. my mom voted for sometimes! can u believe her? anyway, 4 those of u that dont know, the poll is the little multiple choice question over there---->
not to b confused with pole.

g2g to school.

idc (i dont care)

goodbye ya'all
(i wonder how u spell that)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Agnetta: My New Favorite Person

Agnetta is my new favorite person bcuz whe rsvped to my bat mitzva and she commented on my blog.

o ya, trevor commented 2 whatevr. luv ya trev!

anyway, agnetta
what can i say about agnetta?
oo this like a poem.
oh! ive been inspired im going to write
a poem
about agnetta.
where should i start?
i may never know

i hope u enjoed my poetry. i thought it was beautiful.
agnetta. u say her name like ah-nyett-ah. it is not ag-net-ah. only stupid teacher substitutes and freaks who dont know her say it like that.

ooh! i thought of a story to tell.
one time we had ms. surian in english clas and she was like
"ag-, ag-, ag-,"
until agnetta was like
"its an-yett-a!"
then she got to guerdon's name
(its pronounced ger-don but on the role sheet they couldnt fit his whole name so it says: Smith, Guerdo. it makes him sound mexican)

anyway, so ms. surian was all
"goo-, goo-, goo-er-do?"
and he ws just like
"call me gurdi"
then she sed,
and he sed,

i dont know why subs care so much what ur name is. its just gonna b, u over there, stop talking! or something like that.

Then a few months l8r, we had ms. surian again only it was 4 a different class.
she saw guerdon's name and sed,
"oh no, its that name again."*sigh*
before she bothered trying to say it,
guerdon sed,
she didnt even repeat it. she just continued down the role sheet.

ok, i ttly just looked up at the title of this post ad thot,
"o right its about agnetta."

another name i always mess up is kavi's.
ive known her since i was 4 and she always sed, kall me kavi.
its pronounced like kuh-vee.
anyway, i thot it would b fun to try to say kavita, cuz she was the first person id met in my entire life who had an Indian name.

(sry tracy, but having friends from india, who live in india, and have an indian name doesnt count)

anyway(wow i say anyway a lot), kavi would always get mad at me and try to teach me how to say it but i never cought on. i wonder if i spelled cought right. i thot it had an a in it. whatevr, if any1 asks, i did it on purpose. so kavi adn i would get in fights at daycare and thats y we're not bff's 2day. (there r probably phter reasons, but that 1 is important)

agnetta has a cool halloween costume. wow, she's my bff.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm a Flirt?!!!!

So as you may know, i have a facebook account. there's some application on facebook called the "secret box." i got a message saying that there was a secret about me inside the box. i had to tell 5 secrets to get the key to my box. i wrote lame secrets like
cody is awesome!"
so i cud get my key. i finally got and read my secret. This is what it sed:

"Title: So I was hanging out with her the other day and I realized...
Secret: She's a total flirt!"

Me! A flirt! just cuz i flip my hair smile and wink at guys when i go out... jkjk.

i hadnt been on facebook for a while so i didnt know when the secret was written. i also ttly cudnt remember who i was hanging out with the last weekend. i really have no idea hoo wrote but know ill just ask everyone:

Do u think im a flirt? comment below. pleez!

so ive decided 2 create a acronym. 4 those of u who dont know what that means, ill give u some examples:
jk lol rotfl idk
get the idea? so my new im slang is...(drumroll pleez)...

i dont give a f***

here's another 1

i dont care

ill let u know when i think of some new ones, but 4 now.

goodbye internet!

My Dad is Crazy!

I'm so glad its weekend. the week was so long! im so glad its over. i get to go to chittick's oneg 2nite. my mom made lemon bars but i helped. they're sooo good. of course justin palmer's mother was there so she gave all the xtras to justin! i was so mad, cuz i got like 2 crumbs! it was so not fair.
So who saw cody's website? i thot it was cool but u shud c 4 urself. i dont know the link, but cody probably does.
So everyone was pantsing eachother. it was funny but then ms bradley came over and told us it was sexual harrassment and pantsing some1 = automatic suspension. that was how travor got suspended. he pantsed alex.
i wonder how u spell pantsed pansted panted pansed. idk
so my dad must b getting old. he was playing poker on the computer and he fell asleep. it was like 9 at nite and he was in sum tournament. After like 20 minutes i decided he shud wake up. i woke him up and it turned out that he won his tournement, he wrote a note to the people he was playing against about how they were so bad he beat them while he was sleeping.
the next day it was 3pm and my dad was playing poker online again. he feel asleep again only this time he didnt win.

goodbye internet!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Barack Obama Doesn't Want Change

Barack Obama was recently seen referring to a cup of coffee cup as half empty. the so called "optomist" was clearly captured by cell phone camera (the footage is currently circulating youtube) calling a coffee cup "half empty". computerized images show that the 5 ounce cup was filled with 2.57 ounces of coffee, making it mostly full. the cell phone footage shows barack sitting at a table in a cafe. a lady with a pitcher of coffee asks sen. obama if he wud like her to fill his cup. he replies,
"yes pleez. as u can see my cup is half empty."
we know from our research that his cup was not half empty and sen. obma is now officially...
a pessimist.

Barack Obama was also seen at the same cafe claiming he didn't want change. the senators campian slogans have been about bringing change to america. from this recent event, we have discovered that sen. obama does not want change. there is footage captured on a phone's camcorder that is currently circulating youtube. in the footage barack obama is interacting with a cashier at the cafe were he was also seen referring to a mostly full coffeee cup as half empty. their conversation went something like this:

Cashier: "Your total comes to $17.56."
sen obama hands her a twenty $ bill.
sen. obama: "Keep the change."
"You don't want change?"
"No, I dont."

It is now obvious that senator obama is a pessimistic hypocrite who wants the united States of America to remain exactly the way it is.

Note: The man in the cell phone camera footage looks extremely similar looking to Keegan Michael Key, the Madtv cast member who has played sen. obama in all madtv political sketches.



She's sitting on my couch watchig tv with my mom. Thats all she ever does. jkjk. she comes to my house to eat my food and hang out with my mom. she loves my mom. i think whe only likes me cuz of my mom. right now we're all watching snl with paris hilton. its lame and i dont know if she thinks any of it is funny, but what ev. i showed her my bat mitzva dress i got today and she didnt say anything. she s probably just tired. sheeee likeeeees toooo writeeeee thingsssss withhhh aaaaaa lottttt offffff letteerrssss. i think she thinks its fun. idk. it think its hard and takes to much effort and is too slow. now theres something on saturday night live about bear city and celine's all,
"its not even funny."

it was pretty lame. so sarah palin is hosting snl tonight. i hope itll be funny. its the real sarah palin.

iiiiiiii hoppeeeeeee itsssssss funnnnnnnyyyy.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Yah its weekend!

I cant believe it finally friday. thank god.

today in leadership, we had a guaest speaker. it was haley's dad. he's a sheriff and he showed us embarassing pictuers of haley. there was one of haley and her brother and ian asked, "which one's haley?" it was really funny.
then we asked him to show us some defense kung fu or whatever they teach in the sheriffs department. damien volunteered to help him demonstrate. he held damien in some sheriff position where u cant move. it wasnt supposd to hurt, but it looked funny. we all left laffing about damien getting beat up by a cop.

after he beat up damien, he showed us his handcuffs. it was kinda boring after that, but whatever.

i went to the $ dance at lunch. i had to go because leadership was in charge of setting it up. i stood behind the speakers the whole time and watched ms wilson yell at ppl 4 grinding. it was funny .

the dance ended up pretty lame. but whatev.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


Katie McCall.

There r no words to desribe her. She is like no one else. Katie has colorful hair. It was blonde, then red, then blondish-red. im not sure what color it is now. i dont even think whe knows or remembers.

Katie and i have many memories together:

1) that sign on hope terrace

theres a sign on the corner of hope ave and hope terrace that ses hope terrace. i wus walking with her (and probably chloe, i cant remember) one day and she(they) told me to sit on the sign. she danced around and when i wasnt paying attention she pushed me into the grassy shrub that was behind the sign. she was laughing and now that i think about it, its pretty funny, but i was pisd. there were so many bugs and i cudnt get up cuz i was wearing a backpack. it was fun tho.


im not gonna write this story cuz its mean and she'll go crazy mad... at me... and the wolrld

katie, if u really hate this, ill delete it. bu remember u were the one who wanted me to write about u.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I am going to academy soon where they will rob my brain of all and any important meaning i've found in life and fill it with useless ideas that i am forced to learn. its torture it tell you!!!!!!!!!!!

ok. its not super horrible, but i have to carpool and i hate carpooling with any1 but my bff's celine and cody and my crazy sisters. (Sorry mom and dad.)

Who saw house last night? bromantic right? it was adorable how cute wilson and house look together. Then he finds out his father isnt really his father. its was a little late!

wHATEVER IM A REALITYTV JUNKI. PARIS HILTON'S my new bff is the best show on the friggin planet. doesnt any1 on the show understand that they can only be friends with her for a few months because after that she'll hav to drop them to have another season of her wonderful show.

omg, so i was sitting quietly by myself in english class working on my essay when alongs comes rude loud nick who sits next to me. i tried to ignore im but he had so many questions about harriet tubman and barbara frietchie and how to turn his computer on and what i think of the new dress code and how i could b suspended for what im wearing and how to spell antebellum (or antibellum) and blah and blah and blah. I wanted to yell shut up at his face, but eventually hart and duffy and hannah came and sat next to him and he was able to ask them all his questions.

btw, whats up with "the new dress code". it sounds excatly the same to me as the old dress code, but i think it might b a little bit different. o ya and that whole section of crap about having to have all articles of clothing hemmed, here's why.
Some girl got suspended for a day because her skirt was too short. the mom got all pistoff bcuz she didnt want this on her daughters permanent record. seriously, if the girl is such a slut that she wears supershort miniskirts, nobody's gunna care about her permanent record besides her mom. but anyway, the mom argues that the fray on the bottom of her daughters skirt was long enuf to meet the dress code.
so now we cant wear anything that isnt hemmed.

agnetta and i say...


we're all planning on wearing ripped denim shorts withspaghetti strap tank tops with gang signs on them on monday when the dress cody is going to start being enforced. we're also gonna get socks that r high enuf that they go under our shorts.

im not actually gonna do it. ill just tell angetta i forgot. but she can get suspended. ill just feel a little bit bad.

g2g. btw note 2 self:

bring p.e. clothes tomorrow and figure out locker combination. or ask ms. bradley for combination.

<3(cody says thats a heart but i just dont see it)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Yah I emailedppl about my blog!

Sry I dont have anything to write about . o waiT...


I'm not sure if i will, but i hope so. oooo i cant wait. o ya, pleez comment.

Yah! I got a blog!

I know the url is lame, but nothing else was available. sry trace. ill change it if u reely want. omg i dont know what to say. Whatever i'll just keep typing until something cames to me. o ya... wait no nothing. whatever. if i think of something ill write l8r. im just so excites i cant think straight.